Is there any treatment for a collasping treaka in dogs?

I have an 11 yr old Japanese Chin, that also has a stage 4 heart murmur....She is making a coughing sound for the past 3 days going w.out sleep nor food/water. I did make a vet visit appointment. I think she may have a collapsing there any…

    Is there any treatment for a collasping treaka in dogs?

    I have an 11 yr old Japanese Chin, that also has a stage 4 heart murmur....She is making a coughing sound for the past 3 days going w.out sleep nor food/water. I did make a vet visit appointment. I think she may have a collapsing there any…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there any treatment for a collasping treaka in dogs?...

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    • Is there any treatment for a collasping treaka in dogs?

      Is there any treatment for a collasping treaka in dogs? General Dog Discussions
      I have an 11 yr old Japanese Chin, that also has a stage 4 heart murmur....She is making a coughing sound for the past 3 days going w.out sleep nor food/water. I did make a vet visit appointment. I think she may have a collapsing there any immediate treatment for that, surgery?

      Is there any treatment for a collasping treaka in dogs?

      Is there any treatment for a collasping treaka in dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • There is a surgery that can help that, however with a heart murmur surgery is more of a risk. I would recom. getting an echocardiogram ( Ultrasound of the heart) prior to surgery to check it out and see how bad her heart murmur is and if the vet thinks she is even a good surgical candidate first.

    • Coughing in a dog with a grade 4 hrt murmur is an indication that her heart disease is progressing. Her heart is not pumping blood efficiently and it is causing fluid build-up in the lungs...hence the cough. The heart is basically a large muscle, and when it performs poorly it has to work even harder to keep the body supplied with blood and oxygen. The harder it works, the larger it gets. The Vet may suggest an ultrasound or a chest rad to assess the size of her heart. If it is larger than normal, then they will likely put her on medication to help pull the fluid out of her lungs, as well as medication to improve her heart's performance. However, there is nothing that can be done to reverse or stop her heart disease...all they can do is slow it down and offer her a better quality of life in the meantime.As for collapsing trachea, yes there is a surgery where a vet can put a stent into the trachea to keep it from collapsing. If this is indeed the issue with your dog, then you will need to think long and hard about putting her through the surgery. With a grade 4 heart murmur she is definately an anaesthetic risk. Stent surgery is not a routine procedure done at a Vet's office. You will need to be referred to a specialist for it. $$$