Animal Expert: Will pheamonia cause a little chihuahua to die coughing up blood?

Took him to the vet. Monday.He had a shot to help with the excess fluid in the lungs, he was doing better by Wed.with at home meds. By Sat.,he died coughing up blood. He had a heart murmur that got worse due to his illness. How can he be doing better and…

    Animal Expert: Will pheamonia cause a little chihuahua to die coughing up blood?

    Took him to the vet. Monday.He had a shot to help with the excess fluid in the lungs, he was doing better by Wed.with at home meds. By Sat.,he died coughing up blood. He had a heart murmur that got worse due to his illness. How can he be doing better and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Animal Expert: Will pheamonia cause a little chihuahua to die coughing up blood?...

    • Animal Expert: Will pheamonia cause a little chihuahua to die coughing up blood?

      Animal Expert: Will pheamonia cause a little chihuahua to die coughing up blood? General Dog Discussions
      Took him to the vet. Monday.He had a shot to help with the excess fluid in the lungs, he was doing better by Wed.with at home meds. By Sat.,he died coughing up blood. He had a heart murmur that got worse due to his illness. How can he be doing better and then just die? Miss my dog and looking for answers. Anyone that has a clue, please write to me.

      Animal Expert: Will pheamonia cause a little chihuahua to die coughing up blood?

      Animal Expert: Will pheamonia cause a little chihuahua to die coughing up blood? General Dog Discussions
    • A heart murmur will cause him to cough up blood.The fluid in his lungs WAS BLOOD. Blood has to travel from the heart into the lungs and back again. A heart murmur is what you hear when the valves that control the flow of blood are damaged. When you interrupt the flow, the blood "backs up" and doesn't have anywhere to go, except the lungs themselves. How can he go from "OK" to dead so quickly?I assume he's on the old side, right? Oldsters can't deal with illness and injury like young whippersnappers can. It's common for them to be suddenly over come. Even if he's young, murmurs and fluid filled lungs are bad, bad news. The shot he got didn't help as quickly or as much as he needed, and as you said, his condition may have suddenly gotten worse. It was just his time to go.Another possibility is an embolism or an annurism. Blood clots could have broken loose and wreaked havoc in the lung, which certainly didn't help him in his already weakened condition.Sorry for your loss.

    • It is possible. Also the pneumonia may have been secondary to another problem.I am so sorry for your loss. I know it is never easy to lose a pet and this time of year it is even harder.I always post a memorial to my pets at the Original Rainbow Bridge. It helps to be able to share the good memories with others who will understand.It costs nothing and the memorial lasts forever. If you post a picture, make sure to add the picture after you post the memorial or you will get an error message.Here is the link: the memories of better days with your pet sustain you through this time of loss and pain.