What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal?

What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal?

    What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal?

    What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal?...

    • What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal?

      What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal? General Dog Discussions
      What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal?

      What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal?

      What is the result of a boston terrier with a heart murmur and thyroid problem and how do they heal? General Dog Discussions
    • You should be asking your vet (?)Heart murmur? Up to 3 is manageable. 4, 5 and above can be deadly.Thyroid problems require daily prescribed medication the rest of the dog's life.Lorraine: Have had several dogs with grade 3 heart murmurs. Have a 13 year old Chi my God-son adopted from me when he the dog was 7. My vet does not feel this is life threatening if it does not get worse. I go with what my vet says.

    • I find this question hard to understand, or answer, as there is little information here.Is the dog being treated? What were the test results?Heal from a murmur? I think Vitamin E might help, but contact a vet for proper dosage.As far as a thyroid problem, is the dog on meds? If not, how could the dog heal or improve?

    • Launi - my girl has just been diagnosed with a Grade 3 and is off to the cardiologist next week.To the poster, I do not know a lot about heart conditions as I have never had a dog with one before, but in learning last week that my 8 yr old girl has a heart murmur, I have already learned that she needs scans and x-rays to find out what is causing the murmur. Depending on that result / diagnosis I will know whether it is treatable with medication or not. This means to me that none of us will know the answer for you and she will need further diagnosis.Thyroid is manageable with medication.