Dog has a heart murmur but sometimes breaths in and heart races when eating...?

My almost 11 year old female poodle/shitzu got diagnosed with having a heart murmur 2 months ago. Over the progress of one day she kept coughing and I brought her into the vet. Poor Pecky was hospitalized for 1 whole week but thankfully she's home. She's…

    Dog has a heart murmur but sometimes breaths in and heart races when eating...?

    My almost 11 year old female poodle/shitzu got diagnosed with having a heart murmur 2 months ago. Over the progress of one day she kept coughing and I brought her into the vet. Poor Pecky was hospitalized for 1 whole week but thankfully she's home. She's…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog has a heart murmur but sometimes breaths in and heart races when eating...?...

    • Dog has a heart murmur but sometimes breaths in and heart races when eating...?

      Dog has a heart murmur but sometimes breaths in and heart races when eating...? General Dog Discussions
      My almost 11 year old female poodle/shitzu got diagnosed with having a heart murmur 2 months ago. Over the progress of one day she kept coughing and I brought her into the vet. Poor Pecky was hospitalized for 1 whole week but thankfully she's home. She's on Lasix and Enalapril and I think she's doing better since she is not coughing. But sometimes when she eats she starts to breath in a lot, arches her neck in and does that for a few seconds and when I touch her chest her heart is racing. Why does she do that? Do I need to bring her in to the vet?

      Dog has a heart murmur but sometimes breaths in and heart races when eating...?

      Dog has a heart murmur but sometimes breaths in and heart races when eating...? General Dog Discussions
    • Heart murmurs are caused by defective heart valves.The meds are right for this illness. Enalapril is to treat congestive heart failure, which results from the bad valves. Lasix is a diuretic (removes fluid)by way of increasing urination. I'm not going to sugar coat this as its serious. Your buying time & thatsall you can do. Impossible to say how much time.Maybe a lot, maybe not so much. Won't hurt to callyour vet to keep them informed of any changes withyour dog. Ask if meds need to be adjusted.The bad valves mean blood moves more slowly through your dogs lungs. this results in a small amount of blood leaking out of the small blood vessels(capillaries)into the lungs. this reduces oxygen for the dog. When eating food particially blocks the main air passageway. The result is an automatic response to increase blood flow (heartspeeding up) & arching the neck to open the air passage.