My dog just died this morning and I have a couple questions.?

First, how do you deal with this? I knew it was coming soon because the vet said his condition was going to get him soon (heart murmur and kidneys failing). I thought I was prepared. I put him in a box, had my morning cereal, and read the paper like any…

    My dog just died this morning and I have a couple questions.?

    First, how do you deal with this? I knew it was coming soon because the vet said his condition was going to get him soon (heart murmur and kidneys failing). I thought I was prepared. I put him in a box, had my morning cereal, and read the paper like any…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog just died this morning and I have a couple questions.?...

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    • My dog just died this morning and I have a couple questions.?

      My dog just died this morning and I have a couple questions.? General Dog Discussions
      First, how do you deal with this? I knew it was coming soon because the vet said his condition was going to get him soon (heart murmur and kidneys failing). I thought I was prepared. I put him in a box, had my morning cereal, and read the paper like any other day. I drove out to the country where my cat is buried and dug a hole. Everything was fine until I put him in the hole. I started sobbing like a child and can't seem to stop. We brought him home from the pound 13 years ago and he has been my buddy ever since. I work from home and he sat by my side all day every day. I just wonder how to proceed from here. I'm so sad.Also, my sheepdog worshipped the ground he walked on. She seems confused and I don't know what to do. Any helpful tips would be appreciated.

      My dog just died this morning and I have a couple questions.?

      My dog just died this morning and I have a couple questions.? General Dog Discussions
    • Sorry for your loss...You have to go through your greiving process.. It takes time...She is grieving too. Hold her and just cry... in a few days or so you two will need to get out and see some other people and pets.. Good Luck and god bless

    • First of all I am so sorry for your loss. They truly are a member of the family. You will be sad. Your sheepdog will also. Do not forget she is seeing you sad. You need to mourn. Love your sheepdog all that much more, and you will heal together. Unfortunately you will never get over him, but remember the good times.

    • I am very sorry!!!! I have experienced the same thing and I know how you feel. You should know that your dog loved you and had a very happy life! It's only the best for him, you wouldnt want him to be in pain. Would your other dog recognize a pic of the other dog? You could put those up in your house, it may comfort her. Also, you should either spend lots of time with her or possibly get a puppy, she may enjoy that and it may cheer her up a bit.

    • I know what you mean. One time one of my dogs died in the winter, my vet was nice enough to keep him in the freezer for me until the ground thawed enough so I could bury him. Even though it was months later I still bawled like a baby when I did it.Hug your sheepdog.

    • That is so hard. Our 16 year old schnauzer died a few years ago and I thought my husband would never get over that. After a few weeks I started researching breeders of schnauzers in the area and 4 months later brought a new addition to our home. At first, my husband had very little to do with her but now he admits that was the best thing I could have done. The second dog was a different sex and a little bit different color. Personality is also very different. We have since added another as a partner to that one. I know it's hard for you as well as your other pet. Give it some time, write the date on your calendar as a remembrance, then look at what you want to do from here. I kept telling myself, "he's just a dog..." but that sure doesn't work. They are certainly more than 'just a dog' to us, aren't they?

    • You have suffered a loss and need time to heal. When I lost my 2 faithful companions after 12 years, within a week of each other, and it was while my husband was in Iraq, I felt sad too. You will survive. The remaining dog just needs lots of attention. It has suffered a loss too. Both you and the sheepdog will be fine.

    • My dog died 9 months ago of old age. She was 18! I actually "adopted" her after my mom died....I found the dog when I was 16! I was soooo devastated. I was depressed/sad for quite some time. I still cry when I remember what a great friend/pet she had been. I will tell you that it is perfectly normal to feel sad and to cry at this painful time. Your dog was part of your family and the loss will be like losing a friend. Give yourself time to grieve and if after a few weeks, if you do not feel better, maybe consider "talking" with a they are trained to treat depression of any sort. I wish you the best and am so sorry for your loss.

    • I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Even when we know the day will soon come, it is never easy. Just know that he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is pain free.Dogs do grieve. And your other dog will look for her buddy for a while. Put all your love into her and keep her active. It will help you both. Your boy will forever be in your heart.

    • im sorry about your dog, i know it can be hard. i lost my dog of 11 years a year ago. me and my dad took it really hard, and my brother didnt know what to do, we had the dog his whole life. im really sorry. but you can just keep his memory alive. just remember him, and just know that he isnt suffering anymore. the sheep dog that you have will eventually get used to him being gone. but be there for him. i know it sounds wierd but just let the dog follow you around, or go up and pet it. thats all i can suggest. i hope it gets easier for you.

    • You've taken care of and loved this dog for 13 years, you wouldn't be human if you didn't grieve for him. Of course you'll miss him and it will take time for the pain to subside. Take comfort in knowing he was lucky to have a wonderful home with loving owners, instead of the poor animals mistreated by their owners and/or the animals brought to the animal shelter. Spend some extra time with your other dog and she'll just be comforted by that.And I too am so sorry for you, I have two at home now that are my girls, and I'll be the same way when they leave me.

    • I am so sorryi had to put my bunny down i didnt stop crying for hours and whenever i think of her i feel like crying again. just think of what a good time you had together and you know she will have a great time in heaven.sorry againannika

    • I am so sorry for you and your sheepdog. I have had animals my whole life and have lost several over the years. I'm not sure if this is your first time with this experience, but it is no different from losing a human family member. You have to give yourself permission and time to grieve your dog's loss and try to remember all the time you were fortunate enough to have with him. Try to spend extra time with your sheepdog and maybe take some trips to the doggy park if you have one close so he can try to make new friends. You know him best and will be able to make the best decision if and when you both are ready to adopt another dog into your family. It sounds like you were in shock at first and things have just hit you finally. Just rest assured that you are normal and any animal lover will tell you that. My thoughts are with you and the rest of your family.

    • First let me tell you how sorry I feel for you. As a pet owner all my life, I've gone through this and have tears right now thinking about it. I've always gotten another soon thereafter, An animal shelter is great. You'll know "the one" when you see him.My heart is with you.

    • HI, I'm so sorry for your loss. Yes just when you think you have things under control you loose it. I've been there too. Its a very had thing to lose a best friend and constant companion. You will get better in time and then you will remember all the good times and good thing your did with your buddy. Your other dog will be confused because his friend is gone. I had this happen to me also. My younger Golden was so close to my oldest Golden here. Once he passed my Baily went into a deep depression for a few days. Looked all over the house for him and the yard. Broke my heart. The only thing I could do was to get another pup as soon as I could. Thank goodness one of my best Golden friends had pups available from a recent litter. Made arrangement to go see the pups I picked one out and he was home with us in a few weeks. My older pup was so happy to have a buddy again.The Dog in my Avatar is my older pup Bailey and his best buddy now is Ty my younger Golden. Good luck and God Bless!

    • I'm so sorry for your loss. Your feelings are normal and the only thing I can tell you is that you won't forget your dog but the sadness and pain you are feeling will subside in time.I have always been a two-dog owner and my remaining dog when one dies has always been either confused or depressed. In one case, the other dog settled into being a single dog after a few days quite well. The next time, the single dog was very depressed and we ended up getting another dog again sooner than expected because he was so lonely (it ended up helping us too, though it was sooner than we had planned).So give it time, let your feelings play out, understand that your remaining dog is sorting it out too and give her all the comfort she needs and she'll give it back.

    • Very sorry for your loss,I've had to deal with the same thing before.I just try to think that my pet is in doggy Heaven,running and playing with other passed pets.I really don't think they would come back here if they had the chance,as your pet is very healthy in doggy Heaven.You will never be able to find another pet like him,but try to get another one with same personality and color simular to him.