what does bloody eye mucus mean in a dog?

my dog has had kennel cough on and off for over 3 months. he is on his third round of antibotics and finally getting better. This morning however he had red coloured mucus in his eye. i am very concerned. he is 9 months old. i have two cats as well if…

    what does bloody eye mucus mean in a dog?

    my dog has had kennel cough on and off for over 3 months. he is on his third round of antibotics and finally getting better. This morning however he had red coloured mucus in his eye. i am very concerned. he is 9 months old. i have two cats as well if…...
    General Dog Discussions : what does bloody eye mucus mean in a dog?...

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    • what does bloody eye mucus mean in a dog?

      what does bloody eye mucus mean in a dog? General Dog Discussions
      my dog has had kennel cough on and off for over 3 months. he is on his third round of antibotics and finally getting better. This morning however he had red coloured mucus in his eye. i am very concerned. he is 9 months old. i have two cats as well if that is of consiquence.I am going to the vet on Monday but was worried that i should take him to emergency clinic.He is separated from the Cats so no scuffle.

      what does bloody eye mucus mean in a dog?

      what does bloody eye mucus mean in a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Tell the vet!I had a cocker that ended up with a great deal of eye seepage, which ended up being bloody after awhile. The first vet I took him too said it was something like pink-eye and gave me an ointment. (The vet didn't bother to really look at the eyes). My poor pooch yelped when I tried to give the meds...so I went to another vet. His ducts were clogged and he had been scratching his dry eyes to the point he had scarred them. He was almost completely blind at this point, but it never stopped him! We gave him drops several times a day, which stopped the scratching, but the damage was done, because a vet failed to really look for a problem.Don't forget, always go with your gut with you think your vet is wrong. Get a second opinon!

    • 14hank, TAKE YOUR DOG TO A DIFFERENT VET.!!! It definitely needs to see one, the bloody mucus is a sign of something serious. But the vet that diagnoised kennel cough knew antibotics weren't necessary and that within 14-21 days kennel cough has run it's course, and the dog would be over it without medication. It's a simple virus like a cold. Good Luck. Here's a site to verify what I'm telling you.