How long will it take for my dog to get over Gastritis?

She's been having symptoms since Sunday, took her to the vet yesterday, she's on a couple of medications and a special diet, althought she won't eat yet, she only drinks a little water. Any information would be appreciated.She's a two year old Dachshund,…

    How long will it take for my dog to get over Gastritis?

    She's been having symptoms since Sunday, took her to the vet yesterday, she's on a couple of medications and a special diet, althought she won't eat yet, she only drinks a little water. Any information would be appreciated.She's a two year old Dachshund,…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long will it take for my dog to get over Gastritis?...

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    • How long will it take for my dog to get over Gastritis?

      How long will it take for my dog to get over Gastritis? General Dog Discussions
      She's been having symptoms since Sunday, took her to the vet yesterday, she's on a couple of medications and a special diet, althought she won't eat yet, she only drinks a little water. Any information would be appreciated.She's a two year old Dachshund, Thx.

      How long will it take for my dog to get over Gastritis?

      How long will it take for my dog to get over Gastritis? General Dog Discussions
    • Start Feeding Small amounts of plain boiled rice with a little chicken stock for the first day or so, once she is eating some of that add a little Home cooked boiled chicken (just the meat no bones), then start adding her “special diet” and slowly cut out the rice until she is eating her “special diet”, this could take a week to 10 days.

    • yes boiled rice and cooked skinlees chicken or lean hamburger is ok in small portions. her throat and stomach are pretty raw from the acid buildup and until the meds kick in she might not be to hungry.u can give her a 1/2 teaspoon of pepto bismal to sooth it a few times a day and add a sports drink to her water for extra neiutrients to get her strenght ur vet if she doesn't start eatting a little by tommorrow since she might need a different medication. i hope she gets better soon.