The top of my dog's eyes are lighter than the rest of the eye. Is she going blind? Know anything I can do?

My dog is a Chihuhua, and she's the runt of the litter. I have had a couple of problems with her health before, and she does bump into things.

    The top of my dog's eyes are lighter than the rest of the eye. Is she going blind? Know anything I can do?

    My dog is a Chihuhua, and she's the runt of the litter. I have had a couple of problems with her health before, and she does bump into things....
    General Dog Discussions : The top of my dog's eyes are lighter than the rest of the eye. Is she going blind? Know anything I can do?...

    • The top of my dog's eyes are lighter than the rest of the eye. Is she going blind? Know anything I can do?

      The top of my dog's eyes are lighter than the rest of the eye. Is she going blind? Know anything I can do? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is a Chihuhua, and she's the runt of the litter. I have had a couple of problems with her health before, and she does bump into things.

      The top of my dog's eyes are lighter than the rest of the eye. Is she going blind? Know anything I can do?

      The top of my dog's eyes are lighter than the rest of the eye. Is she going blind? Know anything I can do? General Dog Discussions
    • if it's the eyelid you're probably fine but if it is the eyeball i would take her to the vet asap. eye prolems need to be dealt with as soon as you can because the eyes are so sensitive and easily damaged. espesially in a buggy eyed chihuahua. it could be a corneal ulcer which need eye drops and if it is bad they may do something where they sew the third eyelid to the top eyelid so the eye can heal (don't worry it's only for a week or so)