How do I help keep my dog calm during a thunderstorm?

I have a 6 year old dachshund and she is terrified of thunder storms. When thunder sounds, she runs for someones lap, under a bed, or just runs around the house trying to find a "safe place". She also cries. I try my best to help her by petting her and…

    How do I help keep my dog calm during a thunderstorm?

    I have a 6 year old dachshund and she is terrified of thunder storms. When thunder sounds, she runs for someones lap, under a bed, or just runs around the house trying to find a "safe place". She also cries. I try my best to help her by petting her and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I help keep my dog calm during a thunderstorm?...

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    • put her in a room where she cant harm herself and close the door if you leave her out there are plenty of objects around where she could do some serious damage to her self if she goes ballistic some dogs get scared and some don't they all have different personalities just like you might be scared of spiders and the next person isn't it is very normal

    • Dogs have sensitive hearing, 10 times our hearing ability. My yorkie is also afraid of the thunder, I normally just re-assure her and stroke her. She eventually calms down. All you can do is talk to her calmly, stroke her and Im sure she will feel more secure. It is natural for all dogs to be afraid of thunder storms, all the previous dogs I have had were also afraid. Dont worry too much, just console her during the storms.

    • The best thing to do during a thunderstorm when your dog acts all crazy like that is to ignore the dog, what I mean to say is don't walk over to them and hug them and say " awwwweee" Just act like it's not happening, the dog feeds off of your reaction.

    • A lot of small dogs and some large breed dogs are frightened during a thunderstorms, the best thing to do during the storm is to comfort her but don't talk to her, just hold her and do what you would normal do during a storm, like watching the rain come down with her in your arms and petting her or just sitting on the couch and watch TV during the whole storm try not to talk to her, talk but not to your dog.You can desensitize her from the booms of thunder. You will need to purchase a tape or CD that is only of thunder storms. Play the music and play with your dog, if she starts to shake or show signs of being afraid try to ignore that and get her to pay attention to you and the toys you have or the treat that she would want on any other typical day. This will take some time and eventually she will calm down when a storm happens.Good Luck

    • let her take shelter in the place she feels the most comfort. are you also afraid of storms and she is getting this from you.?i have a 110 pound golden retreiver that goes behind my chair when it thunders.just let her be and she will feel comfortable when she is hiding and will feel safe.

    • Holding and cuddling your dog serves to reenforce his fears. He needs a kennel/crate that is his and in a quiet area with a blanket or towel draped over it. Put him in (no need to close the door) and let him ride it out there. Giving attention for a fearful behavior only accentuates that behavior. You are making it worse for him.

    • I have a tendency to get tense during storms because I know "Jack" my dog is going to freak out. These negative emotions can be sensed by our little buddies. I put Jack in a t-shirt and wrap him's like a cocoon for him. He loves it. He feels safe. He has long fur too so I wipe him down with dryer sheets to prevent any electric shock from the storm....wierd, but it happens. Hope this helps!

    • My dogs do the same thing. I have learned that the more you try to comfort them it just reinforces their fear. The best thing to do is go about your normal activities and act like this noise is a normal thing. I have also given them natural calming tablets. They have ingredients like we might take Valium for people. The pet store websites have several to choose from. I have been using Doctors Foster & Smith Ultra Calm biscuits. Seems to work without knocking them out. My dog freaks when fighter jets fly do I but I try not to let on it is bothering me. Just remember, dogs react to your actions, good or bad. You are the pack leader.

    • All you can do is hold them. I had a rat terrier who once rode out a tornado in a doghouse, and went for a wild ride. Poor thing would bury her nose in the corner of a room when it started thundering. She shook like she was having seizures if you picked her up, but she would calm down if you wrapped her in a blanket until the storm passed.

    • you can hold her when there is a thunder storm and turn on lights so she can see. my dog is like that. he is terrified of fireworks. but when the 4 of july comes he just goes in his dog housse and won't come out.

    • You have two choices that I had to use when my dog became frightened of ALL loud noises after she was caught outside in a thunderstorm. Put on the TV or radio very loud to help distract the dog from the sounds of the storn. Or, talk to your vet for a medication to help the poor baby survive.

    • Dogs can sense how people feel. Your dog is probably responding like this because she witnessed a person being very nervous during a storm. Try to remain as calm as you can during the storm, use a soft voice and reassure her that if you're not afraid, she shouldn't be afraid.