How much does it cost to find out if your dog is pregnant? Ten points best answer!!?

A dog I rescued is most likely a month pregnant today. All vets are closed right now and I don't want to call the emergency vet for a small issue like this.What I need to know is how much does it cost for a blood test? Roughly.What about for them to…

    How much does it cost to find out if your dog is pregnant? Ten points best answer!!?

    A dog I rescued is most likely a month pregnant today. All vets are closed right now and I don't want to call the emergency vet for a small issue like this.What I need to know is how much does it cost for a blood test? Roughly.What about for them to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much does it cost to find out if your dog is pregnant? Ten points best answer!!?...

    • How much does it cost to find out if your dog is pregnant? Ten points best answer!!?

      How much does it cost to find out if your dog is pregnant? Ten points best answer!!? General Dog Discussions
      A dog I rescued is most likely a month pregnant today. All vets are closed right now and I don't want to call the emergency vet for a small issue like this.What I need to know is how much does it cost for a blood test? Roughly.What about for them to palpate her?And what about an x ray? She's 30 days so is that too soon to be x rayed?And please no lectures. I just want prices. I am in California. Thank you

      How much does it cost to find out if your dog is pregnant? Ten points best answer!!?

      How much does it cost to find out if your dog is pregnant? Ten points best answer!!? General Dog Discussions
    • you would probably have to pay for the office visit whatever that would be. If they x ray her or give her any kinds of meds, it will be more. You really should be calling your vet office to find out all this information. We have no idea what they will charge you especially if we are in another state. I pay $35 for an office visit, however when I lived in CA for several months the office visits ran $60. Call them on Monday and get some estimates. They will tell you approximately how much it will cost you.