What is the euthanize laws for dogs in California?

I was at the dog park and this guy's dog nipped multiple times, after which my dog bite back. The owner of the other dog said he was going to call the cops to have my dog put down?does anyone know the legalities of this?

    What is the euthanize laws for dogs in California?

    I was at the dog park and this guy's dog nipped multiple times, after which my dog bite back. The owner of the other dog said he was going to call the cops to have my dog put down?does anyone know the legalities of this?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the euthanize laws for dogs in California?...

    • What is the euthanize laws for dogs in California?

      What is the euthanize laws for dogs in California? General Dog Discussions
      I was at the dog park and this guy's dog nipped multiple times, after which my dog bite back. The owner of the other dog said he was going to call the cops to have my dog put down?does anyone know the legalities of this?

      What is the euthanize laws for dogs in California?

      What is the euthanize laws for dogs in California? General Dog Discussions
    • You will likely be cited, and may be ordered to pay any Vet bills. A dog deemed "vicious" may be quarantined for 10 days. On a first offense, it is unlikely they can have your dog put down. Reason number 1348325832094 why people shouldn't go to dog parks.