I have a Pekinese named Zeus, he needs back surgery again.?

Does anyone know of a learning hospital where I can get him operated on for less? We live in Indianapolis In. Purdue used to do surgeries for less but they aren't doing it now. I can't aford another $2700.00 and Zeus is only 2 years old. I gave him…

    I have a Pekinese named Zeus, he needs back surgery again.?

    Does anyone know of a learning hospital where I can get him operated on for less? We live in Indianapolis In. Purdue used to do surgeries for less but they aren't doing it now. I can't aford another $2700.00 and Zeus is only 2 years old. I gave him…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a Pekinese named Zeus, he needs back surgery again.?...

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    • I have a Pekinese named Zeus, he needs back surgery again.?

      I have a Pekinese named Zeus, he needs back surgery again.? General Dog Discussions
      Does anyone know of a learning hospital where I can get him operated on for less? We live in Indianapolis In. Purdue used to do surgeries for less but they aren't doing it now. I can't aford another $2700.00 and Zeus is only 2 years old. I gave him to my son 2 years ago for Christmas. I really don't want to put him down so anyone that knows anything please let me know. Thank-you

      I have a Pekinese named Zeus, he needs back surgery again.?

      I have a Pekinese named Zeus, he needs back surgery again.? General Dog Discussions
    • for the love of animals, put the thing out of it's misery!! Do you really think having surgery AGAIN is really in the best interest of the dog? STOP being so selfish and think of the dog!! Putting the dog to sleep is not painful. Come to grips with reality and do the right thing!!

    • If Minnesota isn't too far for you to travel...the University of MN Vet School does surgery at a reduced cost because they are a training program for future vets. An actual vet will be doing the surgery but they will be assisted by advance level students and or interns (already vets...but in their internship years). We had our dog there and they did a great job! I admire you for wanting to keep your dog for your little boys. At some point though you'll have to decide if putting him through another surgery is in its best interests and what the likelihood will be that he will need more. I hope this helps. I know this is a very hard decision to make. Good Luck!