Without going to the vet, is there a way to make your cat or dog stop biting him- or herself?

What would you recommend? I'm thinking vinegar, but that might sting.

    Without going to the vet, is there a way to make your cat or dog stop biting him- or herself?

    What would you recommend? I'm thinking vinegar, but that might sting....
    General Dog Discussions : Without going to the vet, is there a way to make your cat or dog stop biting him- or herself?...

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    • Without going to the vet, is there a way to make your cat or dog stop biting him- or herself?

      Without going to the vet, is there a way to make your cat or dog stop biting him- or herself? General Dog Discussions
      What would you recommend? I'm thinking vinegar, but that might sting.

      Without going to the vet, is there a way to make your cat or dog stop biting him- or herself?

      Without going to the vet, is there a way to make your cat or dog stop biting him- or herself? General Dog Discussions
    • Not unless you know why your cat or dog is biting themselves. Could be fleas, allergies, mites, skin infection, etc. etc. etc. Please take them to the vet for an exam and diagnosis, after which point you may or may not be able to treat them at home, depending on what is causing the itchiness.

    • Haha, okay, you need to think about this.. Your cat or dog is biting themselves, not because they enjoy mutilating themselves, BUT because they are itchy.. If you were having an allergic reaction which caused itching and hives, would you rather someone made you wear mittens 24/7 OR actually treated your allergy?Obviously, a vet is your best choice. The most common causes of itching are fleas, flea allergies which can cause an animal to get hives from a very small amount of bites, and food allergies. There are plenty of other things that cause animals to scratch, but, those are the most common. To cover your bases, you can treat for fleas with Frontline or Advantage and put the pet on a low allergen food. For dogs, California Natural is usually the brand of choice as most of their foods only have 3 ingredients and no food coloring and similar allergens. You also have to not give any treats as they could have ingredients that cause allergic reactions. If your dog doesn't stop scratching and biting, you will want to go to a vet to have a skin scraping and testing done for things like mange.My dogs have had severe food allergies in the past and now eat a raw diet. It's nice having pets with full coats of fur again. Grocery store foods are typically loaded with food coloring that cause allergies in both humans and pets.

    • Put a large plastic collar (creating a cone) around the neck. This keeps the dog from being able to reach their body to chew on it, with the exception of the feet. If they continue chewing on their feet, put a little Tabasco sauce on the places it chews. t