After a puppy dies, how long should you wait to get another?

Our lab 12 week old lab puppy died 9 weeks ago, we're not sure of cause. Vet said probably parvo. Our neighbors have gotten an 8 week old Yorkie. Is there anything we can do for the yard so that the neighbors' puppy won't get it if it was parvo. Yes,…

    After a puppy dies, how long should you wait to get another?

    Our lab 12 week old lab puppy died 9 weeks ago, we're not sure of cause. Vet said probably parvo. Our neighbors have gotten an 8 week old Yorkie. Is there anything we can do for the yard so that the neighbors' puppy won't get it if it was parvo. Yes,…...
    General Dog Discussions : After a puppy dies, how long should you wait to get another?...

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    • After a puppy dies, how long should you wait to get another?

      After a puppy dies, how long should you wait to get another? General Dog Discussions
      Our lab 12 week old lab puppy died 9 weeks ago, we're not sure of cause. Vet said probably parvo. Our neighbors have gotten an 8 week old Yorkie. Is there anything we can do for the yard so that the neighbors' puppy won't get it if it was parvo. Yes, the neighbors knew about our puppy's death and that we were not sure of the cause.

      After a puppy dies, how long should you wait to get another?

      After a puppy dies, how long should you wait to get another? General Dog Discussions
    • For starters, don't let the neighbors puppy in your yard or in your house - NO EXCEPTIONS. The best way to kill parvo is with bleach. If you can't bleach it - throw it away. You need to pick up all the dog poo in your yard and throw it away if there is any left. Throw out all of your dogs toys and bedding - including bowls. A Yorkie (or any dog) at 8 weeks has NO immune system to keep them from catching this disease. I would suggest getting an older dog (at least 6 months) in the future since your home has already been exposed.

    • Until the neighbors puppy has had at least 3 sets of shots do not let it anywhere that your puppy was at. If it was parvo you do not want to get a puppy that hasn't had 3 sets of shots. Parvo will live in the ground for years. Make sure that you keep shots done annully to prevent it from happening again. Parvo is nasty stuff. Your vet should have done a parvo test to be sure. There would be blood in the potty and it has a really bad odor also.

    • There is nothing you can do to your yard. You can disinfect your home, but to disinfect the yard would kill many animals and your lawn. Let nature wash it away with a good rain or something like that. Just dont let the yorkie pup in your house or yard, your neighbors should understand if they love their dog.As far as waiting to get a puppy, go to the shelter in a few months, when the WHOLE family is ready. If there is one person who feels you should wait longer, then you should wait because that would make that one person very upset.At the shelter, there are always puppies and dogs. Personally, I would choose an older animal as they are trained and not as much work. Also, most of the time, first-time dog owners are better than those who already own several and will train their dogs great. We have 7 dogs, 1 was adopted(she was going to be put to sleep because of an easily FIXABLE back problem!) and is a perfect listener(a toy poodle nonetheless!) The others dont listen because my mom never trained them. They are all her dogs, too.Pick a puppy that is healthy. If you want minimal problems, get a mut. Most muts are healthy their whole lives because they dont have the bred-in problems that pure-bred animals have. Good luck with your next puppy, and sorry for your loss.

    • Well, like most things like that, Sunlight is your friend... I know that they suggest bleaching everything, I don't think that goes over well with the lawn etc... But if you want to bring a puppy in again...Clorox diluted one part to 30 parts water (4 oz Clorox in 1 gallon of water) has been effective in disinfecting inanimate objects such as clothing, floors, kennels, etcDon't let your neighbour bring his puppy into your house or yard, until he has been fully vaccinated. I have heard people using this stuff.. Parvosol

    • just be sure not to get a puppy. rescue a nice older dog! atleast a yr old, that has had its shots... the last being no more recent than a month or two ago. it willl be fine!