Holistic remedies for dogs with seizures or distemper?

Does anyone know of any good holistic remedies for a dog with distemper or with seizures? We are currently doing all we can for her as far as prescribed meds from the vet but im desperate to see if anything else will help her. I know that there is no…

    Holistic remedies for dogs with seizures or distemper?

    Does anyone know of any good holistic remedies for a dog with distemper or with seizures? We are currently doing all we can for her as far as prescribed meds from the vet but im desperate to see if anything else will help her. I know that there is no…...
    General Dog Discussions : Holistic remedies for dogs with seizures or distemper?...

    • Holistic remedies for dogs with seizures or distemper?

      Holistic remedies for dogs with seizures or distemper? General Dog Discussions
      Does anyone know of any good holistic remedies for a dog with distemper or with seizures? We are currently doing all we can for her as far as prescribed meds from the vet but im desperate to see if anything else will help her. I know that there is no cure for distemper but I'm trying to find something to help the seizures from progressing or getting worse!Thanks!My vet already recommended vitamin C and a natural immune support supplament....any more suggestions are welcome!

      Holistic remedies for dogs with seizures or distemper?

      Holistic remedies for dogs with seizures or distemper? General Dog Discussions
    • A couple sites for info are: http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/conditions/epilepsy.htm & http://www.canine-epilepsy.com/healthydiet.html (I'm not endorsing or associated in any way with these sites)These are things you need to discuss with your vet...medications can sometimes be more harmful than good (including holistic) since everything your pup ingests is digested through his liver/kidneys. And the less medication is always the best, but an obvious need for some. Know that while there is good info to be found online, there is equal amounts of bad, and nothing should be taken at face value.Diet is incredibly important in these instances, and the best supportive care you can provide. Amino acids, vitamin & mineral levels is a very important thing that needs to be taken into account with seizures. If you go with a natural/homemade diet, you know exactly what she is consuming and in what amounts, therefor making it easier to ascertain what really works and what doesn't. Although a cliche: 'knowledge is power'. It can even be a little overwhelming at times, but well worth it. I can only offer my encouragement and best wishes, and hopefully you have a vet who can be supportive of your endeavors.