How can I get my dog to start eating again?

We adopted another female dog, and ever since then, my original dog has stopped eating normally and is becoming very thin. Once she starts eating, she realizes how hungry she is, but it is getting her to eat is the problem. I am afraid that it is because…

    How can I get my dog to start eating again?

    We adopted another female dog, and ever since then, my original dog has stopped eating normally and is becoming very thin. Once she starts eating, she realizes how hungry she is, but it is getting her to eat is the problem. I am afraid that it is because…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get my dog to start eating again?...

    • How can I get my dog to start eating again?

      How can I get my dog to start eating again? General Dog Discussions
      We adopted another female dog, and ever since then, my original dog has stopped eating normally and is becoming very thin. Once she starts eating, she realizes how hungry she is, but it is getting her to eat is the problem. I am afraid that it is because she has high anxiety or is stressed. We have tried many different dog foods, even wet. My mom puts cheese on the food, hoping it will make her want some. I'm not sure what else to try.

      How can I get my dog to start eating again?

      How can I get my dog to start eating again? General Dog Discussions
    • I think you are relating your dog's behavior to the new dog in the house. I don't believe they are related. Get your dog to the vet. Not eating is a symptom to many diseases and illnesses. Don't take a chance.

    • Are you feeding them separately? Is the new dog's bowl to close to your original dog, making her feel stressed? Its really bad for a dog's digestive system to be stressed at meal time. Keep the dogs well separated, feed the new dog in her crate if necessary so your original dog feels comfortable.If she hasn't had a health check recently, you need to rule out a physical problem because the new dog could just be a coincidence.

    • Your dog is definitely stressed and has had hetr nose put out of joint with the new arrival. She is confused as she no longer knows her place in the pack.You need to make an extra fuss of your old dog to reassure her that she still has a role in the pack. Not always a good idea to bring in same gender dogs/cats as rivalry for pack order can easily occur and could become quite volatile. Watch for this and ensure that you exercise you dogs outside together where there is nothing for them to compete for..Dogs will no generally starve themselves, so for the moment try feeding them in seperate rooms and gradually bring them together for meals. Its a slow process and some degree of patience is required. Don't lose your temper or shout because if you are confused with the situation just spare a thought to the two animals who can't vocalise their feelings to you. OH! by the way don't change the habits of your original dog to suit the new one.. ensure that the new one fits in with the pack as it was before its arrival, This goes for feeding..don't change the food or mealtimes as this just adds to the confusion. Finally as someone has pointed out in their anwer.If thjios continues, you should consult a vet to be on the safe side