What can we give our cats to get rid of their snotty noses?

We are on a fixed income(disabled vet) and can't afford a vet. Our 5 cats have what appears to be colds. They are having difficulty breathing. Help?

    What can we give our cats to get rid of their snotty noses?

    We are on a fixed income(disabled vet) and can't afford a vet. Our 5 cats have what appears to be colds. They are having difficulty breathing. Help?...
    General Dog Discussions : What can we give our cats to get rid of their snotty noses?...

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    • What can we give our cats to get rid of their snotty noses?

      What can we give our cats to get rid of their snotty noses? General Dog Discussions
      We are on a fixed income(disabled vet) and can't afford a vet. Our 5 cats have what appears to be colds. They are having difficulty breathing. Help?

      What can we give our cats to get rid of their snotty noses?

      What can we give our cats to get rid of their snotty noses? General Dog Discussions
    • Are your cats vaccinated? If not, it could possibly be a much bigger disease process than a minor respiratory infection. Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do short of a vet visit to help with this. And over-the-counter medications could be toxic to them.I suggest you contact your local humane society to see if they have programs for veterans and/or fixed income programs that you can apply for.Good luck.

    • if you honestly can not afford a vet, then you might want to consider reducing the number of cats in your household. I know this sounds mean, but cats need financial stability to care for illnesses that come up. What are you going to do in a few years when they get older and serious medical issues crop up, or if this is more then just a snotty nose? could be a herpes infection which can move into the eyes and cause ulcers that could result in the eyes being so damaged they need to be removed, or calci virus which can cause severe blisters in the mouth so the cats can not eat.If they are still eating and active, but just a little snotty, you can try a saline solution - one drop per nostril - to help the kitty sneeze out the mucus. A steam filled room either with a humidifier or a shower will also help. Most over the counter medications are toxic to cats as they have a very different metabolism then dogs and humans have. You really should not be giving any medication to your kitties with out a vet's prescription.I hope you are able to find a vet who will work with your limited income and get your cats the care they need.

    • Go online and enter Low Cost Vet Clinics, your city,town and state. Some should appear in your area. All your cats may have an URI and the only cure is antibiotics. Call one near you and some may evcen let you puup a payment plan. Your cats will continue to get worse until this infection turns into pneumonia and left untreated will result in their demise. Sorry to be so candid, but this is what you could possibly face if they do not get the medical help they need and once this is cleared up you must look into vaccinating them for this and other diseases.