My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose.?

My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose. The vet prescribed some antifungal wipes to apply twice a day. My dog would immediately lick off all of the medication. The problem has gotten worse (extremely dry and cracked nose) are there any…

    My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose.?

    My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose. The vet prescribed some antifungal wipes to apply twice a day. My dog would immediately lick off all of the medication. The problem has gotten worse (extremely dry and cracked nose) are there any…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose.?...

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    • My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose.?

      My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose.? General Dog Discussions
      My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose. The vet prescribed some antifungal wipes to apply twice a day. My dog would immediately lick off all of the medication. The problem has gotten worse (extremely dry and cracked nose) are there any other home remedies I could try?

      My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose.?

      My dog was diagnosed with a fungal infection on her nose.? General Dog Discussions