Are there any cures for dogs that have reversed sneezing issues?

My dog is a Shetland sheep dog that has issues during the night having big reversed sneezing problems it started during the end of 2009. It has gotten so bad it has started waking me up and it has started to effect ny sleeping . Are their any cures?

    Are there any cures for dogs that have reversed sneezing issues?

    My dog is a Shetland sheep dog that has issues during the night having big reversed sneezing problems it started during the end of 2009. It has gotten so bad it has started waking me up and it has started to effect ny sleeping . Are their any cures?...
    General Dog Discussions : Are there any cures for dogs that have reversed sneezing issues?...

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    • Are there any cures for dogs that have reversed sneezing issues?

      Are there any cures for dogs that have reversed sneezing issues? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is a Shetland sheep dog that has issues during the night having big reversed sneezing problems it started during the end of 2009. It has gotten so bad it has started waking me up and it has started to effect ny sleeping . Are their any cures?

      Are there any cures for dogs that have reversed sneezing issues?

      Are there any cures for dogs that have reversed sneezing issues? General Dog Discussions
    • no, my vet said it's normal. each of my dogs suffer through them but they only last 30 seconds at most. if your sheep dog's fits last longer ask your own vet (he might be smarter than mine). good luck :)