Is it possible that my dog may have a foxtail in him?

My small dog sometimes sneezes, has always had irritated watery eyes, and has a bump on his leg. I have read these are symptoms of foxtails, is this true?

    Is it possible that my dog may have a foxtail in him?

    My small dog sometimes sneezes, has always had irritated watery eyes, and has a bump on his leg. I have read these are symptoms of foxtails, is this true?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it possible that my dog may have a foxtail in him?...

    • Is it possible that my dog may have a foxtail in him?

      Is it possible that my dog may have a foxtail in him? General Dog Discussions
      My small dog sometimes sneezes, has always had irritated watery eyes, and has a bump on his leg. I have read these are symptoms of foxtails, is this true?

      Is it possible that my dog may have a foxtail in him?

      Is it possible that my dog may have a foxtail in him? General Dog Discussions
    • I don't know about the watery eyes and sneezing unless he has one up his nose but I would have the leg checked out to see what it is. Foxtails just get deeper and deeper if not removed and can travel to different parts of the body.

    • I do have chuchichastli in my kitchen, but can't figure how you got them into your avatar with the umlaut. My keyboard doesn't have any and I never figured out where they are hiding them on Swiss typewriters. Anyway, Sassy advice is correct. That bump on the leg is not supposed to be there so it is time to visit the vet and at the same time he can look at the watery eyes and the sneezing business.