Has anybody ever experienced any side effects with angels eye for dogs?

My shih tzu is throwing up after two days of use. I dont know if she just has the flu but she NEVER threw up before.

    Has anybody ever experienced any side effects with angels eye for dogs?

    My shih tzu is throwing up after two days of use. I dont know if she just has the flu but she NEVER threw up before....
    General Dog Discussions : Has anybody ever experienced any side effects with angels eye for dogs?...

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    • Has anybody ever experienced any side effects with angels eye for dogs?

      Has anybody ever experienced any side effects with angels eye for dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My shih tzu is throwing up after two days of use. I dont know if she just has the flu but she NEVER threw up before.

      Has anybody ever experienced any side effects with angels eye for dogs?

      Has anybody ever experienced any side effects with angels eye for dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs don't get the flu & no I don't know of anyone with problems with the product. Be certain you are giving the correct amount & not over giving. It could be possible like with some ppl, your dog could have an allergic reaction to the antibiotic or another ingredient. Stop using for a few days & see if dog improves if better then try once & if dog gets ill again, don't use again. If your dog is still ill, take to vet.