A cat I want at the animal shelter has or had cat flu?

Could this put my other animals at risk? I have dogs and birds? And does this mean the cat will be unhealthy or something? She is 2. Thanks.No, they told me she had it. They are suppose to be vet checked, wormed, injections done and she is only 30 bucks…

    A cat I want at the animal shelter has or had cat flu?

    Could this put my other animals at risk? I have dogs and birds? And does this mean the cat will be unhealthy or something? She is 2. Thanks.No, they told me she had it. They are suppose to be vet checked, wormed, injections done and she is only 30 bucks…...
    General Dog Discussions : A cat I want at the animal shelter has or had cat flu?...

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    • A cat I want at the animal shelter has or had cat flu?

      A cat I want at the animal shelter has or had cat flu? General Dog Discussions
      Could this put my other animals at risk? I have dogs and birds? And does this mean the cat will be unhealthy or something? She is 2. Thanks.No, they told me she had it. They are suppose to be vet checked, wormed, injections done and she is only 30 bucks so can't go wrong right lol up to two weeks after adoption if they are sick they go back to the vet for free. My main concern is my other animals, I don't have other cats and the lady said my other animals are fine but just want to make sure.

      A cat I want at the animal shelter has or had cat flu?

      A cat I want at the animal shelter has or had cat flu? General Dog Discussions
    • Take it to the vet - it might have to be kept in isolation for a while, but once it is well again it can mingle with other cats. Make sure that all your cats get their regular cat flu injections

    • At animal shelters, all the animals usually pick up respiratory infections, but they get a vaccination when you get them, so it clears it up. My cat that I got 12 years ago, had to have it done, when I got him at the shelter. Probably, no big deal.

    • I seriously doubt the shelter would adopt out a cat that would be a danger to your other animals. Did you observe something in the cat that made you think it had a cold or did the shelter inform you that the cat had the flu? If it is something that you observed, bring it to the attention of the staff at the shelter.

    • Cats don't get the flu. So you need to have the shelter vet talk to you about this. They do get upper respiratory viruses that cause respiratory symptoms and these can be caught by other cats but not by dogs or people or birds. If the cat has FeLV or FIV (can tell with a blood test) then it will be unhealthy. It will need a visit to your vet as soon as you adopt it if the testing is not provided at your shelter.