My Dog ate a whole box of Chocolate mints, will he get sick?

I own two shitzu dogs, one of them (he's not all there) decided to have a jolly old day and ate a whole box of Chocolate mints.My dad says he has a Stomach of Iron, so he thinks he will not get extremily sick, my Mother knows he will be sh*tting all over…

    My Dog ate a whole box of Chocolate mints, will he get sick?

    I own two shitzu dogs, one of them (he's not all there) decided to have a jolly old day and ate a whole box of Chocolate mints.My dad says he has a Stomach of Iron, so he thinks he will not get extremily sick, my Mother knows he will be sh*tting all over…...
    General Dog Discussions : My Dog ate a whole box of Chocolate mints, will he get sick?...

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    • your dog might die because i heard chocolate is bad for dogs and you should take him to the vet asap please listen to me!

    • chocolate is one of the worst things for a dog to eat, along with grapes and nuts and onions... dogs dont have stomach of iron and they wont be sh**tin all over the place, keep a good eye on him, most likly your dogs stomach wont be able to handle it and will vomit but if the vomiting continues more then 2 times, a visit to the VET. would be a good idea.

    • Chocolate contains theobromine. A naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean, theobromine increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle. While amounts vary by type of chocolate, it's the theobromine that is poisonous to dogs. You can recognize that your dog has eaten a toxic dose of chocolate from the symptoms. Within the first few hours, the evidence includes vomiting, diarrhea or hyperactivity. As time passes and there's increased absorption of the toxic substance, you'll see an increase in the dog's heart rate, which can cause arrhythmia, restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination or excessive panting.This can lead to hyperthermia, muscle tremors, seizures, coma and even death.

    • omg chocolate can kill ur dog !! and no no stomach of iron can stop the dog getting extremly sick from the chocolate !! its not healthy your dog is at risk !! please take him to the vet ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!! if you dont want a sick dog that can die !!

    • Not really.My dog ate a whole tin of celebrations including the wrappers!She wasn't sick but when she went to the toilet there was wrappers in her poop! Which was gross, if your dog dosen't act like normal take it to the vets quickly.

    • I would keep a close eye on your dog. It may get sick and throw up or as your Mom was saying get the sh*ts.If it does plenty of water and mild foods rice and broth are good to ease your pet onto if they get sick vomit-ting or diarrhea.

    • um...chocolate is a poison for dogs when consummed in a large might want to take him to the vet if you start seeing anything out of the his mood...etc. You can recognize that your dog has eaten a toxic dose of chocolate from the symptoms. Within the first few hours, the evidence includes vomiting, diarrhea or hyperactivity. As time passes and there's increased absorption of the toxic substance, you'll see an increase in the dog's heart rate, which can cause arrhythmia, restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination or excessive panting.This can lead to hyperthermia, muscle tremors, seizures, coma and even death.How Much Chocolate Is Deadly?If a 50-pound dog eats a teaspoonful of milk chocolate, it's not going to cause serious problems. However, if that same dog gorges himself on a two-layer chocolate cake, his stomach will feel more than upset and soon it's likely he'll be vomiting or experiencing diarrhea.To answer the question "How much is too much" is not simple. The health and age of your dog must be considered. Obviously if your dog is aged and not in top shape, his reaction to a plate of chocolate is going to be different from a young healthy dog of the same weight.Another fact that must be considered is this: Not all chocolate is the same. Some has a small amount of theobromine; another type has a large amount and still another contains an amount that is somewhere in between. The quantity has a relationship with the weight of your dog. Small dogs can be poisoned, it is easy to understand, from smaller amounts of theobromine than large dogs. Which chocolate is the safest, relatively speaking? White chocolate. It has the least amount of theobromine: 1 mg per ounce. Far on the other side of the spectrum is baking chocolate, which has a huge 450 mg of theobromine per ounce!Here are a few other chocolates for you to ponder: hot chocolate, 12 mg of theobromine per ounce; milk chocolate, 60 mg/oz; and up there near baking chocolate: semi-sweet chocolate with 260 mg/oz.

    • Sorry to break it to you, but your dad is wrong. Your dog will be puking in no time. My small dog ate 2 hearshy kisses a few weeks ago and I honestly thought she was going to die. She was puking, she couldn't even walk or stand on her own and was shaking. Call an emergency vet hospital... you may need to take him there if it was a lot. Chocolate can kill dogs. Esp if they are small

    • I had a terrier mix that ate a box of Valentine's chocolate and she threw up most of it and pooped out the rest. Some of the pieces she threw up were still whole, not a tooth mark on them, the little pig. I think it depends how much it eats and how much it weighes, but if they tend to throw up alot anyway it could have a bearing on how it comes out. Call your vet. I know my vet answers that sort of question over the phone for free.

    • Sadly chocolate is part of the dangerous substance to dogs (Theobromine poisoning, where dogs among with cats are especially sensitive). The most dangerous substance for dogs in chocolate is the cocoa, so you should be aware and call a veterinary the fastest as you can. Good luck.

    • There's something in chocolate that makes dogs really ill. Keep an eye on him and make sure there's plenty of fresh water and if he shows any signs of illness get him to your vet. I'm not kidding you, this stuff has been known to kill dogs! There will always be people out therewho say they feed their dogs chocolate and they're ok, but it's proven it's bad for dogs and maybe their dog is just one of the lucky one's who it didn't affect.