How can I get my family to get rid of my dog?

My family loves our dog and so do I, but I don't think we have the time to take care of him. He's dirty and unclean. He would be much happier in a different home but their to stubborn to say it, whenever I suggest it I get in trouble, what do I do?

    How can I get my family to get rid of my dog?

    My family loves our dog and so do I, but I don't think we have the time to take care of him. He's dirty and unclean. He would be much happier in a different home but their to stubborn to say it, whenever I suggest it I get in trouble, what do I do? ...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get my family to get rid of my dog?...

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    • How can I get my family to get rid of my dog?

      How can I get my family to get rid of my dog? General Dog Discussions
      My family loves our dog and so do I, but I don't think we have the time to take care of him. He's dirty and unclean. He would be much happier in a different home but their to stubborn to say it, whenever I suggest it I get in trouble, what do I do?

      How can I get my family to get rid of my dog?

      How can I get my family to get rid of my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Try working with the dog yourself, or if you don't have the time then take him to the vet and they'll groom him. If he's caged or not given the right amount of attention, then you really need to just sit your family down and explain to them that it;s not healthy for the dog, and causes a lot of stress and can even make your dog depressed! If they don't understand then maybe you should do something with the dog yourself, like try to find a good home. Or if worse comes to worse take it to a humane shelter or a no-kill shelter.I'm so sorry you're family can't understand, that truly is heartbreaking to put the dog through that.Good Luck!