My dog is dying from kidney failure. How can i make him as comfortable as possible?

He is in the end stages i believe. I love him so much i just want to know if any others found that their dogs suffering from kidney failure enjoyed certain foods or if they are more cold or hot than usual? Also he has a lot of skin turning black and…

    My dog is dying from kidney failure. How can i make him as comfortable as possible?

    He is in the end stages i believe. I love him so much i just want to know if any others found that their dogs suffering from kidney failure enjoyed certain foods or if they are more cold or hot than usual? Also he has a lot of skin turning black and…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is dying from kidney failure. How can i make him as comfortable as possible?...

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    • My dog is dying from kidney failure. How can i make him as comfortable as possible?

      My dog is dying from kidney failure. How can i make him as comfortable as possible? General Dog Discussions
      He is in the end stages i believe. I love him so much i just want to know if any others found that their dogs suffering from kidney failure enjoyed certain foods or if they are more cold or hot than usual? Also he has a lot of skin turning black and flaking off. It is very sad and i do not know what i can do more than i already am. He is on daily fluids from an IV and we try very hard to give him his pills but he will hardly eat so it is very tricky. He has lost a lot of weight. I feel so guilty and i just want him to be in as little pain as possible. Please tell me your experience with kidney failure in dogs. Please no insensitive comments.

      My dog is dying from kidney failure. How can i make him as comfortable as possible?

      My dog is dying from kidney failure. How can i make him as comfortable as possible? General Dog Discussions
    • my cat died of pleurysy. (cant spell it properly). basically he got poisoned and got this illness. there is no cure. this was about 4 years ago. he was part of the furniture and our family loved him! he died slow, it was horrible. but the best thing we could d was just spend time with him. sit beside him and pet him so he knew he wasnt alone. sorry for your troubles. there is nothing one can do in these circumstances. :(

    • I'm so very sorry about what's happening to your dog. =( Remember, keep calm and try to keep him as comfy as possible. I would recommend feeding yam to your dog. Full of nutrients and it makes a nice small meal. It's a little sweet, so your dog may like it. Warm about half of it up, slice it, and feed it to your dog warm. My friends dog actually passed away from kidney failure. Poor thing couldn't even get up by itself. She wouldn't leave his side. Just kept hugging onto him, telling him the good memories so when he passed on, he would take all the good memories with him. I wish the best for your dog and I hope my prayers go out to him. ♥ ♥ ♥

    • My dog had bladder cancer...and unfortunately it had to be dealt with quickly because he could not go to the bathroom on his own. So for the first time in my life, I had to SAY YES, to having 'more than a pet' put to sleep. IT WAS HORRIBLE.I have lost a lot of pets in my time, this was the worst. I have often thought back and wished that I had just kept him AWAY from the vets office and home to 'die' naturally. BEING IN PAIN was also on our mind...and I know he had some, but they can medicate for that. He wanted nothing MORE than to be by my side. He was a family dog and kept more company with the kids, but when he was dying and before the reason was found, he suddenly wanted me...MOM. I slept on a pad on the floor so he could lie by me and put his head on the pallet too. I babied him ALL HE WANTED...but what I regret is the time he stayed at the vets office and after having the diagnosis of cancer not bringing him home. The vet intervened and said put him to sleep...but every time I went to see him he was so SCARED and wanted to come home. I am an older woman now...and I UNDERSTAND that fear very well. Many people I have loved have passed on and NOW, it is my belief that people should be able to live how they want and DIE HOW THEY WANT...with pets WE must make those decisions and I GUESS on an individual basis. But if you can keep him home...please do it. Blessings to you and your wonderful friendBunny7

    • My dog died from kidney failure a few years back after eating grapes, she really enjoyed watered down blue gatorade, we also fed her the foods she was never allowed to eat before, but only the ones that the vet approved of.