What are some ways to get a lazy beagle to exercise and get it healthy?

My dog's vet just said that my dog is inactive and in a year or so will die if she doesn't get more active and healthy. What should I do?

    What are some ways to get a lazy beagle to exercise and get it healthy?

    My dog's vet just said that my dog is inactive and in a year or so will die if she doesn't get more active and healthy. What should I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some ways to get a lazy beagle to exercise and get it healthy?...

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    • I think a dog is only as lazy as its owner. So get out and walk it and play with it. It will love you for it ..

    • I would try playing with him, taking him for a walk (that also helps you get in shape), get him excited to play with you. You might want to consider his diet too. Sometimes taking him to the park. And get active with him. Spend time with him. Often times dogs get depressed if you don't play with them. Buy him an ineractive toy lik a frisbee or a bouncing ball...but really encourage him to move. Tug of war is a good game too. Even if you have to pull him on the leash..make him move. Ask your vet for more advice. I love beagles, so give him a hug from me. good luck.

    • Just take it for walks. About 30 min a day. When it looses more weight and can run faster, you can roller blade or ride a bike. Use a little pet back pack and let him carry a few water bottles. Gives him a little weight training.

    • I have a beagle too. There are typically two types of beagles...those that hunt and those that are couch potatoes.My dog is 4 now and I've reduced the amount of food he eats because his metabolism is slower.Each morning, I take him for a mile walk. My husband takes him again at night. We walk every day.A good quality food helps your dog to feel better. I feed mine Eukanuba.Once a month, I take him to doggie day care so that he can spend the day running with all the other dogs. Watch your dogs weight, feed a good quality food, don't feed table scraps, and get into a pattern of regular exercise.

    • not to sound rude but ever heard about a walk????if you don't have the time maybe hire someone to walk him but make sure who you hire is able to control her and that your beagle isn't aggresive towards who ever is going to walk herhope this helps!