How long does it take for a dog to die from leptspirosis?

My dog died very suddenly he was a working springer spaniel and I am absolutely heartbroken without him, my vet says its just one of those things but I cant help but feel he may have caught lepto from a ditch when he was out on Saturday, has anyone else…

    How long does it take for a dog to die from leptspirosis?

    My dog died very suddenly he was a working springer spaniel and I am absolutely heartbroken without him, my vet says its just one of those things but I cant help but feel he may have caught lepto from a ditch when he was out on Saturday, has anyone else…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does it take for a dog to die from leptspirosis?...

    • How long does it take for a dog to die from leptspirosis?

      How long does it take for a dog to die from leptspirosis? General Dog Discussions
      My dog died very suddenly he was a working springer spaniel and I am absolutely heartbroken without him, my vet says its just one of those things but I cant help but feel he may have caught lepto from a ditch when he was out on Saturday, has anyone else had an experience like this, its just that it was so sudden he was only 8

      How long does it take for a dog to die from leptspirosis?

      How long does it take for a dog to die from leptspirosis? General Dog Discussions
    • You do not say what (if any) symptoms your dog presented with. Lepto infection would have cause obvious illness.There are many things which can cause sudden death. A necropsy would be necessary to be certain.I am sorry for the loss of your dog.

    • You dog cannot die suddenly from this, the incubation period is a couple of weeks. Did he not have his DHLP vaccination? How do you know it was this? Did you have a necropsy done?