If my dog eats a white tree frog will he get sick?

My dog (Friendly Ptbull) likes to try to play with these frogs and lizards, if he gets a hold of a white tree frog will he get sick?

    If my dog eats a white tree frog will he get sick?

    My dog (Friendly Ptbull) likes to try to play with these frogs and lizards, if he gets a hold of a white tree frog will he get sick?...
    General Dog Discussions : If my dog eats a white tree frog will he get sick?...

    • If my dog eats a white tree frog will he get sick?

      If my dog eats a white tree frog will he get sick? General Dog Discussions
      My dog (Friendly Ptbull) likes to try to play with these frogs and lizards, if he gets a hold of a white tree frog will he get sick?

      If my dog eats a white tree frog will he get sick?

      If my dog eats a white tree frog will he get sick? General Dog Discussions
    • Here's some information about it:http://whitestreefrog.net/It could just be an albino frog.Either way, considering your dog is a pit bull, I don't believe your dog would become terribly sick. He might throw up, but nothing major. If he does it one and seems odd. take him to the vet immediately.

    • Frogs, toads, and salamanders have a substance on their skin that will cause a dog to foam at the mouth. Dogs usually figure out that substance is less than desirable, and spit the frog or toad out fairly quickly. The substance on a tree frog's skin is quite a bit stronger than that on other frogs, since they need a sticky coating to help them climb. When I was a kid, I learned the hard way that you should always wash your hands immediately after handling tree frogs. Rub your eyes with that stuff on your fingers and you will wish you hadn't. It burns. I'm not a vet, nor am I a wildlife biologist. But I was once a little boy who loved to catch frogs and snakes and every other creepy-crawly thing under the sun, and my experience tells me yes, a dog will probably get sick if it swallows a tree frog. How sick? I don't know, but it can't be good for him. But if he spits it out, like most dogs do, he'll foam at the mouth for ten or fifteen minutes, eat some grass, and carry on like nothing ever happened.