What are some signs of dog poisoning?

My puppy found some old rat poison yesterday in the garage and was tearing the bag, scattering it everywhere. I got it from her as fast as I could and cleaned it up, but there is a possibility that she could have swallowed some of it. Are there any…

    What are some signs of dog poisoning?

    My puppy found some old rat poison yesterday in the garage and was tearing the bag, scattering it everywhere. I got it from her as fast as I could and cleaned it up, but there is a possibility that she could have swallowed some of it. Are there any…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some signs of dog poisoning?...

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    • What are some signs of dog poisoning?

      What are some signs of dog poisoning? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy found some old rat poison yesterday in the garage and was tearing the bag, scattering it everywhere. I got it from her as fast as I could and cleaned it up, but there is a possibility that she could have swallowed some of it. Are there any symptoms that she was poisoned? She hasn't gotten sick or acted any differently. Please help!

      What are some signs of dog poisoning?

      What are some signs of dog poisoning? General Dog Discussions
    • Best bet is to call your local poison control center! I did this when my puppy ate fisherman friend tablets, of all things. They are very helpful and know about animals too. I would check for the obvious symptoms of vomitting and the runs. Also lethargy..at the first sign, take her immediately to the vet. If this wasn't long ago, you might be able to induce vomitting but check with the poison control center or call your vet's emergency line.edit: Dogs do in fact eat poisonous things and do die from them. Many have, for example, licked antifreeze and have died from it.