I have a 3 yr old blonde male pomeranian. Is it common for this breeds testicles not to drop?

I have heard that they can get very sick and if this is true, I would like some advice to help out my little man early. Thanks

    I have a 3 yr old blonde male pomeranian. Is it common for this breeds testicles not to drop?

    I have heard that they can get very sick and if this is true, I would like some advice to help out my little man early. Thanks...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a 3 yr old blonde male pomeranian. Is it common for this breeds testicles not to drop?...

    • I have a 3 yr old blonde male pomeranian. Is it common for this breeds testicles not to drop?

      I have a 3 yr old blonde male pomeranian. Is it common for this breeds testicles not to drop? General Dog Discussions
      I have heard that they can get very sick and if this is true, I would like some advice to help out my little man early. Thanks

      I have a 3 yr old blonde male pomeranian. Is it common for this breeds testicles not to drop?

      I have a 3 yr old blonde male pomeranian. Is it common for this breeds testicles not to drop? General Dog Discussions
    • It's not common for dog's testicles to not drop. Right now, he will have all the bad qualities of an intact male dog (marking, humping, aggression, wandering in search of a mate), yet they are shooting blanks (sterile). If you DID want to breed him, it's not going to happen. Testicles need to be at a temperature cooler than the body's temperature. Otherwise, the sperm are defective & won't fertilize the eggs.So, you need to get him neutered. Keeping him intact & not breeding him is torture to an animal. It's not like you can explain that he can't mate with that female dog because there are too many dogs in the world right now. And you can't bring him to the shelter to show all the adorable animals there who's owners just let them breed indiscriminately, & didn't think of the consquences of letting their animals breed without thinking who's going to care for those litters of pups. It's your responsibility as an owner to get it done. In addition to reducing his risks of prostate & testicular cancers, he'll live longer, too.Have you brought him to the vet yet for an exam? It's rare for a dog to have BOTH testicles not descend. He may have already been neutered.