how much hydroxyzine can I give my pomeranian?

what dosage of hydroxyzine do I give my 9lb pomeranianI know this information...thx anyway, but my question is STILL how much can I give my 9lb pomeranian. Hydroxyzine is REGURALY prescribed to animals.Answers only to question please!

    how much hydroxyzine can I give my pomeranian?

    what dosage of hydroxyzine do I give my 9lb pomeranianI know this information...thx anyway, but my question is STILL how much can I give my 9lb pomeranian. Hydroxyzine is REGURALY prescribed to animals.Answers only to question please!...
    General Dog Discussions : how much hydroxyzine can I give my pomeranian?...

    • how much hydroxyzine can I give my pomeranian?

      how much hydroxyzine can I give my pomeranian? General Dog Discussions
      what dosage of hydroxyzine do I give my 9lb pomeranianI know this information...thx anyway, but my question is STILL how much can I give my 9lb pomeranian. Hydroxyzine is REGURALY prescribed to animals.Answers only to question please!

      how much hydroxyzine can I give my pomeranian?

      how much hydroxyzine can I give my pomeranian? General Dog Discussions
    • hydroxyzine is a prescription drug so it should say on the label how much to give to your dog, if it is not prescribed to your dog then call your vet. Animals with glaucoma, lung disease, heart disease, high blood pressure and prostate enlargement should not take hydroxyzine. The most common adverse effects of hydroxyzine are sedation, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea and lack of appetite.It is for H1 receptors, H1 receptors affect small blood vessels and smooth muscles. When histamine attaches to the H1 receptors, the small blood vessels dilate and fluid begins to leak out. This results in tissue swelling and itchiness. In addition, the smooth muscles lining the small airways constrict, causing tightness and some breathing difficulty.