why did my dog start pissing in the house?

He has never done this before, not even as a puppy. He is 8 yrs old. My wife was a stay at home mom for 6 yrs. Now he is alone for about 6 hrs a day. I know his bladder is stronger than this because he goes much longer when people are home. He asks to…

    why did my dog start pissing in the house?

    He has never done this before, not even as a puppy. He is 8 yrs old. My wife was a stay at home mom for 6 yrs. Now he is alone for about 6 hrs a day. I know his bladder is stronger than this because he goes much longer when people are home. He asks to…...
    General Dog Discussions : why did my dog start pissing in the house?...

    • why did my dog start pissing in the house?

      why did my dog start pissing in the house? General Dog Discussions
      He has never done this before, not even as a puppy. He is 8 yrs old. My wife was a stay at home mom for 6 yrs. Now he is alone for about 6 hrs a day. I know his bladder is stronger than this because he goes much longer when people are home. He asks to go out when people are home. I walk him every morning before I leave for work. What should i do to correct this?

      why did my dog start pissing in the house?

      why did my dog start pissing in the house? General Dog Discussions
    • he may have an infection in his bladder, and if its a large dog, old age may be a problem, he could have diabetes or a number of other problems. Try putting in a doggie door and see if that helps. A vets opinion would be best

    • He might be depressed from being home alone (dogs hate it). However, I strongly advise you TAKE HIM TO THE VET! They know far better than anyone on Yahoo! Answers, and will be able to help you out for sure.