What is the best weight control dog food on the market?

I adopted a 42 lb. Cocker from the shelter I volunteer at in February and she's now up to 49 lbs. My vet said she's put on a lot of muscle due to the excercise program we have her on, but she needs to drop some fat off. I've tried lots of Diet foods,…

    What is the best weight control dog food on the market?

    I adopted a 42 lb. Cocker from the shelter I volunteer at in February and she's now up to 49 lbs. My vet said she's put on a lot of muscle due to the excercise program we have her on, but she needs to drop some fat off. I've tried lots of Diet foods,…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best weight control dog food on the market?...

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    • What is the best weight control dog food on the market?

      What is the best weight control dog food on the market? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted a 42 lb. Cocker from the shelter I volunteer at in February and she's now up to 49 lbs. My vet said she's put on a lot of muscle due to the excercise program we have her on, but she needs to drop some fat off. I've tried lots of Diet foods, all-protein foods, etc. and none have helped. I follow the quanity suggestions to a tee and am getting frustrated. I've spoken to a few vets and they only seem to recommend the food they sell at their clinic!!! She's almost 9 and being this heavy is really hard on her...any recommendations?I haven't tried the Senior formulas yet...that's something to look into.There is nothing wrong with her thyroid. When she came into the shelter her teeth were rotting (during her first week with me she sneezed and 2 flew out) and she wouldn't touch regular dog food. I think the person that owned her only fed her table scraps and this is how she got into the shape she's in!When I switch her food I do it gradualy, mixing the two until the mixture is all the new food.

      What is the best weight control dog food on the market?

      What is the best weight control dog food on the market? General Dog Discussions
    • Have you tried the Senior dog formulas, those usually have a lot lower calorie content. Almost every brand makes them. Nutro would probably be a good one to start out with. If you want her to lose weight, feed her less than recommended, especially if she is still gaining weight. It is only 'recommended' that you feed her that amount, but it always depends on your own dog and its needs. There is no harm in feeding her less. If she starts getting too thing feed her a little more. She may still be hungry, but some dogs just like to eat.

    • You do not really need diet food just cut down the amount of what she eats. I took about 20 pounds off a Weimaraner with cutting back his regular food and only carrot slices for treats. He dropped the weight in about 2-3 months. He now maintains the weight.He is feed a very high quality dog food but it is high in calories and fat. He gets one cup of food two times per day. He can have carrots anytime and gets about one or two dog treat bones per day that is all. He has some hip issues so more exercise was not the answer for him. He does run several times per day and still hunts durring the hunting season. I have the best luck buy feeding the normal dog food and just cutting it back. I weigh the dog once per week and track the progress. Good luck.

    • If you are up for the challange try feeding your dog a BARF (bones and raw food) diet. It does wonders for weight control as well as many other health conditions. There are several good brands of raw food out there that are now easily packaged. You have to make sure to clean up well after your dog though because raw foods can get bacteria if left out too long. Look into it, it may not be the easiest diet to feed but the benefits are worth it.

    • Try Royal Canin Light 27, I can not say enough good things about their food. I think their reduced fat content is 11% and the high protein is at 27%. They do have a very informative website, royalcaninus.com

    • First, have the vets run labwork to check her thyroid and for other problems that can cause weight gain? If they say it's just diet and not hormonal, let's just go with that.I personally am IN LOVE with the Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Calorie Control High Protein (I know that's a long name!). We have recommended and used many low calories diets over the years including the HIll's Prescription Diet r/d, blah blah blah, etc., BUT this one has had the best and most noticeable results. Dogs love to eat it, even dogs that are picky eaters, and they lose weight like they are supposed to. We love it, so if your vet carries it get it, or ask them to order it for you. You need to measure out the food with a measuring cup, like the ones you use for cooking. If she is 49 pounds and needs to weight, say, 35, feed her the recommended amount for a 45 pound dog. Usually there is a range of amounts. You want to feed her the amount at the smallest end of the range. When she reaches 45 pounds. Reevaluate and determine if she still needs to lose weight. If she's still overweight, drop the amount down to what a 40 pound dog would need and so on and so forth. Keep up with the exercise. Cut out ALL treats, table food, snacks, etc. For treats, you can measure out her daily amount, feed her half in her meals, then save the rest for treats throughout the day. She won't care what it is as long as it's from you. Good luck and keep it up!

    • try Nutro a natural food and will not upset her stomach. Switching her food so much can cause more health problems and cause her to retain weight, do to so many changes in her diet. so stick with one food and keep up the exercise. She did not get this way over night and it is the same to get it off. Also muscle weighs more than fat. She will start to burn the fat once she establishes the muscles. All things take time and be pateint.

    • what ever you are feeding her cut the portion in half, she wont miss it and insted of dog treats give her baby carrots, i did this for my dog which was over weight and he lost 10 lbs in 3 months

    • KL this is my opinion DO not follow their label on the dog food bag...their job is to SELL ( eat more buy more...SELL more) your job is to feed LESS and EXERCISE more...I believe. and NO treats. the best treat is pats on head, petting ,brushing playing w/ dog w/ toys... and more pats on head. "good girl !" or what you say...less food= loose wt. more fast walking can you use a treadmill..?. or better ,outside if poss and go on long fast walks... and look up Cesar Milan , dog whisperer...better yet ask him for advice...read labels on bags. dogs don't need grain! they need meat and sm amt green veggies...

    • We use the diet Iams....and instead of chews or snacks we give him Carrots and Broccoli (yes, he's crazy about both and begins to slobber when we open the vegetable drawer in the 'fridge)

    • I know it seems like a rip off, but my rescue dog was very overweight. My vet sold me Eukanuba adult plus that they sell in the clinic. My 175 lb great Dane dropped to 135 over 2-3 months. Really amazing. (My older dog, who doesn't have a weight problem was put on the Eukanuba Senior, also sold by the vet, and it's like having a puppy again). Yes, it's pricey, but it's been worth it. Another diet trick, because he was so hungry on the restricted amounts, was to add steamed and cooled (or defrosted) broccoli to his food. It didn't add calories and made him feel full.