What is the best weight control dog food on the market?

I adopted a 42 lb. Cocker from the shelter I volunteer at in February and she's now up to 49 lbs. My vet said she's put on a lot of muscle due to the excercise program we have her on, but she needs to drop some fat off. I've tried lots of Diet foods,…

    What is the best weight control dog food on the market?

    I adopted a 42 lb. Cocker from the shelter I volunteer at in February and she's now up to 49 lbs. My vet said she's put on a lot of muscle due to the excercise program we have her on, but she needs to drop some fat off. I've tried lots of Diet foods,…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best weight control dog food on the market?...

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    • Okay, Nutro is good, but dang! Who wants to spend that much on dog food?My dog eats Purina One. The number one ingredient is meat and they are giving away free bags of it...https://offers.purina.com/offer.aspx?offer=ONTFDTry the Purina One 30 day challenge. I swear you will see a HUGE difference! (plus since meat is the number one ingredient, dogs need less food, thus saving you money!)

    • Diets which are prescription diet foods that are obtained through your vet are the better way to go. Foods which are labelled "light" etc generally are meant to be used as a maintenace diet and will help to reduce any weight gain potential. Some foods such as Hills Prescription R/D, Eukanuba Restricted Calorie and Royal Canin Obesity are foods designed to assist weight loss in conjunction with an exercise program and a lifestyle change for both the pet and the owner. It is preferable to feed the dog two meals per day, with the larger amount fed in the morning. This utilizes the dogs' own thermoregulation and allows the animal to "burn off" most of the calories consumed during the day. It is important to feed only the diet food chosen and no treats, rewards, nibblies, etc as they all count towards the total calories consumed. Your vet should be able to tell you what diet to put your pet on and how to manage your pets' behaviour. Be patient, as weight loss in pets is a slow process if done safely. Assuming your dog is an English Cocker Spaniel, the normal bodyweight range for females is 12.7kg - 14.5kg (42 pounds is equal to approx 19.05kg). If you are unable to feel the ribs then she is grossly overweight. Ideally you should be able to feel the ribs without seeing them. As well as the above weight range, you also need to take into consideration her natural build, bone structure and sex, entire or neutered etc. A realistic first stage target weight should be up to 15% below her current weight ie approx 16kg or 35.2lbs. It may take 12wks or longer to reach this first target weight. Remember to feed only the diet food, no snacks, treats or supplements; feed only the quantity prescribed by your vet (this may need to be adjusted depending on her own metabolic rate etc - all feeding amounts on foods are a GUIDE only - weekly weigh-ins are essential to monitor weight loss and to adjust food consumption/exercise ratio if necessary. Some animals lose weight more quickly than others and it may take 2 - 3 weeks before the weight starts to come off. Always measure the food using scales or the measuring cup that accompanies the food; Remove any uneaten food after 10-15 minutes. A thorough veterinary clinical examination by your vet is essential to evaluate her physical condition, including a blood test to rule out any underlying disease which may be contributing to her weight problem, prior to starting the diet. Complications of obesity may include skin disease, breathing difficulties, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, skeleton and joint problems. See your vet and start a weight loss programme asap.

    • I also got a dog from a shelter a couple years ago. He was scared of the other dogs in his kennel at the shelter, so he didn't eat. So, naturally, he was skinny when I got him. Took him to the vet and he said he needed to gain some weight. So at that time I got him some Purina, it was just normal dog food. But over that summer he gained alot of weight. When I took him back the vet said he needed to loose at least 15 pounds. He reccommend the dog food that his office sold, but I bought Purina Beneful Weight Control instead. Over that winter he lost the 15 pounds and is now slim and trim. The same should happen for your dog, this food really does work!Purina: Beneful Weight Control It comes in two sizes and is reasonably priced. It has a green strip on the packagaing so it is separated from the other Purina Beneful brands. It's available nearly everywhere. Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, and many other stores. Good luck and please try this, it really works!

    • my dogs doctor suggested eukanuba restricted diet and he said to give little dogs about a quarter cup and put it down for him to eat and only leave it down for him for 20minutes and if he didn't eat it or eat that much then he'd have to eat it when you put the food back down for dinnertime for 20 minutes. It makes them eat smaller portions and you are in control of how much he eats, instead of just leaving a big bowl for him to go at whenever he wants, he should lose weight if you keep him on a strict regimen.

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    • I would suggest Iam's Weight Control. I breed Pomerainians and have found the Iam's line to be excellent in providing good coats and energy. Not a lot of fillers in the Iam's brand either which makes less waste to have to clean up! Exercise of course is important as well...it sounds like you are already monitering her food intake...good luck with whatever you decide to try!

    • Try a light formula and remember to measure! Take the amount that is on the back of the bag, there is going to be a range go with the low end of the range and subtract a 1/4 of a cup. If you are going to give treats then subtract some dry food from her ration. Remember the rule of thumb when it comes to people food is the piece should be the size of your thumb nail, and only once! Dogs know quality not quantity!The prescription diets that the clinics sell are also fantastic, and they are usually not too expensive compared to a top end dog food that you would get at the pet store, those foods are very low in calories, and fat but high in fiber so the animal feels full. And the good thing is that your dog only has to lose a couple pounds so the prescription food won't be forever. Its a long hard road, and its easy to get frustrated, but stick with it!