Is there anything I should be aware of when my dogs get neutered?

My two dogs, a chi and a wheatie, are getting neutered in a couple weeks... is there anything I should be aware of during recovery... The vet gives a lot of information, but I am looking for info from people who have had their dogs neutered and taken…

    Is there anything I should be aware of when my dogs get neutered?

    My two dogs, a chi and a wheatie, are getting neutered in a couple weeks... is there anything I should be aware of during recovery... The vet gives a lot of information, but I am looking for info from people who have had their dogs neutered and taken…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there anything I should be aware of when my dogs get neutered?...

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    • Is there anything I should be aware of when my dogs get neutered?

      Is there anything I should be aware of when my dogs get neutered? General Dog Discussions
      My two dogs, a chi and a wheatie, are getting neutered in a couple weeks... is there anything I should be aware of during recovery... The vet gives a lot of information, but I am looking for info from people who have had their dogs neutered and taken them home. I just want to know what might be different about them, or if they will do weird things while recovering.

      Is there anything I should be aware of when my dogs get neutered?

      Is there anything I should be aware of when my dogs get neutered? General Dog Discussions
    • Keep them from licking the wound, it will likely itch because they will also have lovely little "bikini waxes." Let them heal up for a couple of days before any big walks. That's about it. If they lick or worry the incision or the shaved hair alot, you may need to get cones for them. Recovery is swift, in a week you'll never know anything was done other than that lovely flash of skin until all the hair grows back.

    • make sure they dont exercise to much or try to pull out their stichesor else not really anything else i can think of. and good job on getting them neutered so many people dont when they should xox Jamie