Is there a possiblity that my dog is diabetic?

We take her to the vets once per year and they said she was healthy. The reason I ask this question is because she drinks a lot of water and urinates a lot. Would an annual check detect diabetes?

    Is there a possiblity that my dog is diabetic?

    We take her to the vets once per year and they said she was healthy. The reason I ask this question is because she drinks a lot of water and urinates a lot. Would an annual check detect diabetes?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there a possiblity that my dog is diabetic?...

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    • Is there a possiblity that my dog is diabetic?

      Is there a possiblity that my dog is diabetic? General Dog Discussions
      We take her to the vets once per year and they said she was healthy. The reason I ask this question is because she drinks a lot of water and urinates a lot. Would an annual check detect diabetes?

      Is there a possiblity that my dog is diabetic?

      Is there a possiblity that my dog is diabetic? General Dog Discussions
    • Diabetes or Cushings could cause this. Take the dog to the vet and have them check. A regular checkup is the time for you to ask questions about these behaviors in your dog, but now you should schedule an appointment to have some blood tests run.

    • has the vet done a blood sugar test? You will need to raise a fuss to get it done. Don't ask me why, I had to scream and yell to get it done for my daughter. (1545) . Juvenal diabetic. Ask the vet for a blood sugar test. It's a cheap test but doctor and vets don't do, why?