My dog just got diagnosed with diabetes 3 days ago and he seems so tired all the time is that normal?

My 8 year old Toy Poodle was diagnosed 3 days ago with diabetes. He now gets 2 shots of insulin (3 units) a day and has been switched to a diabetic diet since then. He sleeps non stop! More than normal. He IS drinking enough. Is this normal?

    My dog just got diagnosed with diabetes 3 days ago and he seems so tired all the time is that normal?

    My 8 year old Toy Poodle was diagnosed 3 days ago with diabetes. He now gets 2 shots of insulin (3 units) a day and has been switched to a diabetic diet since then. He sleeps non stop! More than normal. He IS drinking enough. Is this normal?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog just got diagnosed with diabetes 3 days ago and he seems so tired all the time is that normal?...

    • My dog just got diagnosed with diabetes 3 days ago and he seems so tired all the time is that normal?

      My dog just got diagnosed with diabetes 3 days ago and he seems so tired all the time is that normal? General Dog Discussions
      My 8 year old Toy Poodle was diagnosed 3 days ago with diabetes. He now gets 2 shots of insulin (3 units) a day and has been switched to a diabetic diet since then. He sleeps non stop! More than normal. He IS drinking enough. Is this normal?

      My dog just got diagnosed with diabetes 3 days ago and he seems so tired all the time is that normal?

      My dog just got diagnosed with diabetes 3 days ago and he seems so tired all the time is that normal? General Dog Discussions
    • This question is best answered by your vet. His system has had a lot of changes in the past 3 days with medication and a new diet. Your vet has all the information on his condition, past history and bloodwork and urinary results. He can best advise if this is the normal response he should be having. Any questions, and I am sure you have many, should be answered to your satisfaction. Diabetes is treatable and can be tricky to learn how to manage so be sure to have all the information you need.