How to train a diabetic dog?

So my dOg is diabetic so he can't have dog treats. How as I suposted to train him?!Thanks

    How to train a diabetic dog?

    So my dOg is diabetic so he can't have dog treats. How as I suposted to train him?!Thanks...
    General Dog Discussions : How to train a diabetic dog?...

    • How to train a diabetic dog?

      How to train a diabetic dog? General Dog Discussions
      So my dOg is diabetic so he can't have dog treats. How as I suposted to train him?!Thanks

      How to train a diabetic dog?

      How to train a diabetic dog? General Dog Discussions
    • What are you trying to get him to do? You don't need treats to teach him to walk on a leash and behave the way you want. Cesar Millan is a good resource for this.I have not used it, but I've also heard good things about the Nothing in Life is Free concept. Google it for more info.Also, check with your vet about using pure meat treats (like slivers of baked chicken) that should have little or no impact on his BG.ETA: Dakota Dog, calories have nothing to do with glucose control. It's a common misconception so I thought I'd clear it up now. :)