How long does it take for dogs to give birth?

So I have no clue when my doggie got pregnant because our next door neighbors dog jumped over a couple times and yeah. But her nipples started growing about a month ago and she's been getting chubby. So yeah about how long does it take for them to give…

    How long does it take for dogs to give birth?

    So I have no clue when my doggie got pregnant because our next door neighbors dog jumped over a couple times and yeah. But her nipples started growing about a month ago and she's been getting chubby. So yeah about how long does it take for them to give…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does it take for dogs to give birth?...

    • How long does it take for dogs to give birth?

      How long does it take for dogs to give birth? General Dog Discussions
      So I have no clue when my doggie got pregnant because our next door neighbors dog jumped over a couple times and yeah. But her nipples started growing about a month ago and she's been getting chubby. So yeah about how long does it take for them to give birth?

      How long does it take for dogs to give birth?

      How long does it take for dogs to give birth? General Dog Discussions
    • Gestation averages 63 days. And I'd say the average whelping was 6-8 hours (in my experience). Once you pet is in active labor, panting heavily and pushing, she should produce a puppy within 30 minutes. It could be anywhere from a few minutes to an hour between puppy's. If your pet is in active labor for more than 30 minutes without having a puppy you should go to your vet or an emergency clinic ASAP. Its always a good idea to have a radiograph or ultrasound taken late in the pregnancy so you will know how many puppy's there are. That way you will know for sure when she has had them all

    • Think you had better start doing some googling and some research.Dogs giving birth isn't always that easy you know, and many dogs either die or need an expensive c-section birth. You should be educating yourself about what food she is needing and her worming programme and about a million other things.Then ........... get your dog spayed. The world is full of unwanted puppies and dogs and if you are going to be that irresponsible that you leave a b*tch in heat in your garden where the neighbours dog can jump over, then you are obviously not responsible enough to own an unspayed b*tch.

    • A female dog will carry a litter around 63 days from conception,but I've had a few that began labor at 56 days if carrying a big litter.Labor without any difficulties will last around 6 to 8 hrs depending on litter size.