How do you house train a 4 month old puppy?

My brother (19) has a boxer puppy and she is four months old and not house trained yet! I am willing to work with her, I just don't know how. I think it would be a great present for my brother, for when he moves into his new apartment in August.

    How do you house train a 4 month old puppy?

    My brother (19) has a boxer puppy and she is four months old and not house trained yet! I am willing to work with her, I just don't know how. I think it would be a great present for my brother, for when he moves into his new apartment in August....
    General Dog Discussions : How do you house train a 4 month old puppy?...

    • How do you house train a 4 month old puppy?

      How do you house train a 4 month old puppy? General Dog Discussions
      My brother (19) has a boxer puppy and she is four months old and not house trained yet! I am willing to work with her, I just don't know how. I think it would be a great present for my brother, for when he moves into his new apartment in August.

      How do you house train a 4 month old puppy?

      How do you house train a 4 month old puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • A few hints:Potty training the small dog is no more difficult than it is for larger dogs. The owner needs to be more diligent in the lessons to accomplish this however. It is often difficult to detect a puddle no larger than a teaspoonful, especially in carpet. Each mistake the dog is allowed to make reinforces the idea that the spot it has chosen is "ok" for use.Training proceeds very quickly if the dog is not allowed to make mistakes and is rewarded for relieving itself in the desired area. Keep this fine training technique in mind: If the dog potties in the wrong area take a newspaper, roll it up, and hit yourself over the head with it while saying: "I should have been watching, I should have been watching, I should have been watching!" Three times is usually sufficient for most humans, repeat more often if you find yourself making additional mistakes.Punishing the dog after the fact makes it more diligent to hide the act from you. It hardly takes you closer to the desired goal.Take a dog outside immediately after waking, eating, or exercise. They often need to eliminate after these activities and you'll have a wonderful opportunity to catch them in the act and reward for their good deed.Keep a dog that is not potty trained under close supervision. It may be crated during times that you cannot give it the attention it needs, or you can keep it on leash so that you can readily observe its behavior. Usually they will sniff the ground and move in circles preparing to potty. Take the puppy outside and wait for it to potty. When it does praise!Your dog's success is directly related to your diligence. It is a matter of a couple of weeks for a young dog to catch on, older dogs even less. If it takes longer ask yourself what you've missed and refer to the newspaper technique described abovePotty training Techniques:“Housetraining” is a word that has been associated with dogs for years. If your dog is housetrained, you can trust him inside or out to go to the bathroom only in the spot you have selected for him. If he’s not, well… you probably don’t need us to tell you what happens if he’s not. If you’re working on training your dog to do this, the most important of all tricks, keep the following in mind:What is your dog eating? If he is eating a food high in sugar or fiber, you’re setting yourself up for failure. High sugar foods give your dog low nutrition and low digestibility, and producing high volume of defecation. The more waste there is in your food, the more waste your dog is going to be getting rid of. Talk to your vet about a good quality dog food. Treats are also to blame for inconsistent accidents in the house, check to make sure your dog doesn’t have any treats before bedtime or before being left alone for long periods. Put your dog on a strict schedule of feeding and watering. When you wake up bring your dog out as soon as possible, then bring him back inside to be fed and watered. The food should be left down for 20-30 minutes; dogs eat at different speeds and this gives your dog plenty of time. Water should be given in small amounts because dogs tend to drink when they are bored, stressed, etc. resulting in "accidents" inside the house. Now that your dog is eating and drinking on a schedule you should also be able to schedule his bathroom visits. Most dogs need to go to the bathroom 15 to 30 minutes after they eat and drink. Warning! If they are excited because you just arrived home or you were having a nice training session they will need to go outside as soon as possible. Ask your dog "Do you have to go out?" PRAISE YOUR DOG AT THE DOOR, EVEN IF HE DID NOT TELL YOU HE HAD TO GO OUT. You will see your dog react in some way, whether it’s a bark or as quiet as a cute look. Dog’s react, we just don’t always interpret their communications correctly.After you’ve praised them, take them ON-LEASH out the same door, down the same path to the same designated spot.Then repeat over and over "Go Potty" (or your own word or phrase) and stay in that spot for at least 15 minutes. Don’t allow your dog to play or get any attention until he has gone to the bathroom.Once your pooch has gone to the bathroom, PRAISE him and become overly excited by giving him a reward with "GOOOOOOD DOG!” If your dog hasn’t successfully gone to the bathroom, bring him back to the house and keep an eye on him while you do something else for 15 minutes. If he starts to go you will be right there to get him outside. Otherwise bring him outside after the 15 minutes and try again.By using this technique you are actually teaching your dog to go to the bathroom on command. Remember the outside world is very distracting, so keep reminding your dog why he’s outside! Your dog has to go eventually, so be patient and be persistent and you will be successful.

    • its difficult but... every 2 hours or so go to the newspaper or watever ur using and hold her by the collar or leash and wait...haha i know it sounds really hard but once he goes once he'll go again!or....if she pees outside get some of the pee and put it on the place she is supposed to go. she will recognize the scent