I need some tips on being the best vet?

Nothing in the world means more to me than animals. I want to be the best vet there is so i need some tips. To tell you the truth i cant even punish my animals that well because I dont want to hurt him. So i know i will be the best vet anc actuly care…

    I need some tips on being the best vet?

    Nothing in the world means more to me than animals. I want to be the best vet there is so i need some tips. To tell you the truth i cant even punish my animals that well because I dont want to hurt him. So i know i will be the best vet anc actuly care…...
    General Dog Discussions : I need some tips on being the best vet?...

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    • I need some tips on being the best vet?

      I need some tips on being the best vet? General Dog Discussions
      Nothing in the world means more to me than animals. I want to be the best vet there is so i need some tips. To tell you the truth i cant even punish my animals that well because I dont want to hurt him. So i know i will be the best vet anc actuly care about the animals I just need some tips.

      I need some tips on being the best vet?

      I need some tips on being the best vet? General Dog Discussions
    • I am assuming you are still young and not in college, correct? Getting into vet school is very tough. Take your studies serious. Only the best get in and there are many, many applicants rejected. Next, get one (or all) of your dogs in obedience school. You will learn a TON of information about them (but not from a pet store, go to a REAL dog trainer!). Last, when you have achieved your goal of becoming a vet. Listen to the client and educate them. Even a simple DHLPP vaccine to a new pet owner can use some explanation (what is distemper, parvo virus, lepto, etc.). Teach them why it is important to give a monthly heartworm preventative or why yearly dewormings are necessary. Good luck!!

    • i think what u should do when u get out of vet school is maybe save some money and open up a vet office in an area that there isnt much, and do all kinds of animals, not only dogs and cats because i know many people who have rabbits and guinea pigs and animals like that that are considered exotic even tho they reall y arent. i know i would go to your office if guys were close to my house! and i would want someone who is nice to my GP, and you seem nice. i think u'll do well. GOOD LUCK!