How can i protect my dog from the west Nile virus?

i live in Puerto Rico and the west nile virus has reached P.R and im worryed, how can i protect my dog from the west nile virus? he cant come inside. What medication should i buy? can off harm my pet? what should i do? please i need answers.THNX in…

    How can i protect my dog from the west Nile virus?

    i live in Puerto Rico and the west nile virus has reached P.R and im worryed, how can i protect my dog from the west nile virus? he cant come inside. What medication should i buy? can off harm my pet? what should i do? please i need answers.THNX in…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can i protect my dog from the west Nile virus?...

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    • How can i protect my dog from the west Nile virus?

      How can i protect my dog from the west Nile virus? General Dog Discussions
      i live in Puerto Rico and the west nile virus has reached P.R and im worryed, how can i protect my dog from the west nile virus? he cant come inside. What medication should i buy? can off harm my pet? what should i do? please i need answers.THNX in advace..please help...... :(PLEASE I NEED REAL ANSWERS!! MY DOG CANT COME INSIDE HE IS TOO BIG!!!!!PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!

      How can i protect my dog from the west Nile virus?

      How can i protect my dog from the west Nile virus? General Dog Discussions
    • You should definitely consult your vet for the best action plan in protecting your pup!And if you need "real" answers you would have already taken your dog to the vet instead of coming to Yahoo Answers for advice. So please, be responsible, and check with your local vet for "real" answers.

    • I live in Texas and just spoke to my Vet about it. She said that horses get really sick, but the cases of dogs and cats getting sick are rarer. So, my suggestion is to call up your Vet and ask about the seriousness and about what you can do.They have a vaccine for horses, and may have something for dogs, if it is needed.If it is really a concern, you can try to reduce the mosquito population near your house, by eliminating stagnant breeding water, and by keeping your dog inside around sunrise and sunset, when mosquitoes are most active.

    • I know K9 Advantix repels and kills mosquitos. Check with a vet. I buy my dog K9 Advantix and it does repel ticks, fleas, and mosquitos ( I live in an area that has LOTS of ticks and mosquitos)

    • First you can get a spot on flea and tick and mosquito repellent from your vet. Like K9 Advantix or Front line plus. These not only take care of fleas and ticks but the mosquito's that carry West Nile. Also we have been advised to make sure you have no standing water on your property where mosquito's can breed. LIke a small pool for your dog or water dishes left over night. I dump everthing before I call it a day here. We also have pellets that we can put into things like bird baths and other areas where standing water collects that kill the larva of the mosquito's. I don't know if they are available to you in P.R. You can ask at your local hardware stores. Other than what I have mentioned there not much else you can do. Just keep your yard free of standing water and hopefully you and your dog will be as protected as possible.