Can a dog loose her appetite from Kennel Cough?

My Staffy/Pom mix came down with Kennel Cough yesterday, the vet gave her some medicine and expects her to be better withing 3 days. It's a very minor case because she was vaccinated against it and she seems fine apart from the coughing.She's never been…

    Can a dog loose her appetite from Kennel Cough?

    My Staffy/Pom mix came down with Kennel Cough yesterday, the vet gave her some medicine and expects her to be better withing 3 days. It's a very minor case because she was vaccinated against it and she seems fine apart from the coughing.She's never been…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can a dog loose her appetite from Kennel Cough?...

    • Can a dog loose her appetite from Kennel Cough?

      Can a dog loose her appetite from Kennel Cough? General Dog Discussions
      My Staffy/Pom mix came down with Kennel Cough yesterday, the vet gave her some medicine and expects her to be better withing 3 days. It's a very minor case because she was vaccinated against it and she seems fine apart from the coughing.She's never been a passionate eater but she still eats a fair bit, today however although she was very active ate very little. Is this just part of her Kennel Cough or should I be worried?

      Can a dog loose her appetite from Kennel Cough?

      Can a dog loose her appetite from Kennel Cough? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, anytime a dog is sick it can affect their appetite. If you are worried, call the vet. Most vets don't mind a phone call after a visit and this will reassure you.

    • It's okay if she goes one day without eating, however she should be drinking plenty of fresh water & as she gets better her appetite should return to normal. Call your VET if you have any concerns.

    • Either the medicine or the illness - or both - can cause loss of appetite. It should resolve within a day or two. If not, give the vet a call. I wouldn't worry too much.

    • The antibiotics could be making her feel sick to, i dont want to say spoil her with really good food like boiled chicken and rice just cause i dont want her to not want dog food again afterwords. She needs to have a good meal in her before getting the meds to help her stomach it though...You should call the vet and see if he could change out the meds for something else that might go easy on her stomach.