Is he peeing on the floor due to illness or is he dying?

My cat is a 9 month old male. Recently we went to the vet for a lump under his chin. We have taken our medications and now three days later his breathing is getting tougher and he won't make it to the litter. Could this be the end for my baby. Please…

    Is he peeing on the floor due to illness or is he dying?

    My cat is a 9 month old male. Recently we went to the vet for a lump under his chin. We have taken our medications and now three days later his breathing is getting tougher and he won't make it to the litter. Could this be the end for my baby. Please…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is he peeing on the floor due to illness or is he dying?...

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    • Is he peeing on the floor due to illness or is he dying?

      Is he peeing on the floor due to illness or is he dying? General Dog Discussions
      My cat is a 9 month old male. Recently we went to the vet for a lump under his chin. We have taken our medications and now three days later his breathing is getting tougher and he won't make it to the litter. Could this be the end for my baby. Please help me. The lump is now getting hard and it seems like it won't be going anywhere and by the way, he is not eating.

      Is he peeing on the floor due to illness or is he dying?

      Is he peeing on the floor due to illness or is he dying? General Dog Discussions
    • I had a 12 year old cat who developed bumps on her stomach. Turned out she had feline breast cancer (she wasn't spayed, we had no idea this would happen by not getting her spayed). She had a really big lump that was rock hard and she ended up having very labored breathing and couldn't/wouldn't eat anymore. She did end up dying. You should check to see if the lump under his chin in cancerous. If it is, it could explain the labored breathing; my cat's labored breathing happened due to the cancer spreading to her lungs. I hope the best for your cat

    • I dont want to give you a for sure diagnosis...because Im literally just taking a guess based on experience, so here it goes. 1. lump under chin and not eating: depending on the size it could be really bothersome for him or painful, therefore he is not going to eat. 2. Urinating on the floor: this could be something completely unrelated to his chin. Two things come to mind when an owner says my cat isn't making it to the litter. One, a bladder infection. Two, urinary calculi aka bladder stones. Bladder stones are soooo soooo common in cats, especially males. Or this can be medication related. BUT DO NOT TAKE HIM OFF HIS MEDS until you have consulted with a vet!3. Labored breathing: being uncomfortablePlease, take your cat to see a vet. When a cat goes off feed, unlike dogs, even for a day, there is usually something wrong. I wish I could be more help but I don't have enough information. Best of luck with your little guy

    • If a cat stops eating and drinking, it can die in a very short time. You need to ask the vet for 'recovery food' which is high in fat and water content. He needs this to help him recover. He needs to eat... anything. Just get him to eat something because the longer a cat goes without eating or drinking, the harder it is to get them to start again. Try canned salmon, tuna, cheese, cat treats... Just get him to eat. Good luck!