I need help finding a really good dog insurance?

Im looking into getting and insurance plan for my dog because trips to the vet aren't so cheap and since im not too familiar with this kind of stuff I need to know what are some good insurances?

    I need help finding a really good dog insurance?

    Im looking into getting and insurance plan for my dog because trips to the vet aren't so cheap and since im not too familiar with this kind of stuff I need to know what are some good insurances?...
    General Dog Discussions : I need help finding a really good dog insurance?...

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    • I need help finding a really good dog insurance?

      I need help finding a really good dog insurance? General Dog Discussions
      Im looking into getting and insurance plan for my dog because trips to the vet aren't so cheap and since im not too familiar with this kind of stuff I need to know what are some good insurances?

      I need help finding a really good dog insurance?

      I need help finding a really good dog insurance? General Dog Discussions
    • I don't know where you and as I am UK then it is no good promoting any UK ones.However, a few things to remember.1. That any existing condition will never be covered.2. Insurance doesn't cover general things like vaccinations etc, or any other voluntary procedures such as spaying / castration.3. All insurances have an excess amount that is always payable by you. One of mine has a really high excess of £120 which means that the insurance is only good for covering high cost emergencies. However, as that dog has had an ongoing abscess from a piece of grass going in her throat which has cost £2500 then I am glad of it.4. Always get a LIFE COVER one and not an annual. This means that should your dog develop something that needed medication for more than a year, or a condition that was going to be a concern for years to come, and those are frequent, then the insurance would still pay. With an annual, then it would only cover for 1 yr.

    • VPI is the oldest and largest pet insurer in the nation. We insure almost 500,000 pets and our first policy was sold to TV's Lassie. Our Medical and Major Medical plans are designed to cover the illnesses and injuries your pet may encounter. We offer the maximum amount of coverage for the most affordable premium. We do this by using a benefit schedule that outlines exactly what is covered with your policy and how much we will reimburse you for your pet's claims. When looking for a provider, some questions you should ask are:- Does the insurance cover the cost of the exam? (VPI does)- If my pet gets sick in one policy term, will that condition still be covered in the next term? (It will with VPI)- How often has the company increased premiums, and by how much? (VPI has set age bracket increases, but won't surprise you with outrageous price hikes because of "veterinary inflation")To give you an idea of how pet insurance works, this would be the process if you were to file a claim with VPI:1. Visit Any Veterinarian - you can visit any licensed veterinarian worldwide. Simply pay for treatment at the time of service.2. Submit Your Claim - Fax or mail your claim form along with your invoices.3. Receive Reimbursement - After meeting your policy’s deductible, you are reimbursed according to your plan’s benefit schedule allowance or the eligible invoice amount, whichever is less.Good luck in your search, and feel free to ask us if you have any specific policy questions.Also - beware of responses responses from some pet insurance "customers" as there are companies that post responses posing as customers without disclosing they are in fact employees.

    • The question you asked is a good one. You didn't ask for someone's opinion on what the best company is to get pet insurance from. Going simply on someone else's recommendation (besides reading reviews) without looking at all the companies could result in an unwise decision. The most important thing you can do to find the best company and policy for your pet is to thoroughly research each company that sells policies in your country. There is no easy answer or shortcut. So, for help learning more about pet insurance in the U.S. and doing the research, etc. - visit:http://www.petinsuranceguideus.com