How do I get my dog to eat peanut butter and chocolate? He's underweight now..?

How do I get my dog to eat peanut butter and chocolate? He is very underweight right now and I am worried about him. I know I have to give him a high fat and protein I'll try putting the peanut butter and chocolate in the microwave and melt it…

    How do I get my dog to eat peanut butter and chocolate? He's underweight now..?

    How do I get my dog to eat peanut butter and chocolate? He is very underweight right now and I am worried about him. I know I have to give him a high fat and protein I'll try putting the peanut butter and chocolate in the microwave and melt it…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I get my dog to eat peanut butter and chocolate? He's underweight now..?...

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    • Is this a joke? Never give a dog chocolate! And Why is your dog underwieght? There could be something wrong with him. Consult a Veterinarian for Nutritional advice.

    • NO CHOCOLATEgive him some cheese? maybe? not alot. my cat (i know your talking about a dog) but anyways, ive heard dogs + cats love cheese, cheese = protein + fat. Plus go to a vet store, PLUS DO NOT GIVE HIM CHOCOLATE :l

    • Dogs are not meant to eat human food like this. I can cause them to have health problems. You need to think about a dog in the wild. They eat meat. Raw meat. You should try a wet puppy food. Puppy food is very high in fat and protein. It is was I feed my pregnant dog to gain weight and stay healthy.

    • chocolate is toxic to dogs,maybe your dog just does not like peanut butter,if he does and you just want to know how to give it to himmix it in w/ his food or just try giving him some in a bowl or off the spoonor the food you are giving to him try switching brands or talk to your vet

    • chocolate is not good! peanut butter is for treats!feed your pup some dog food that will have him gain weight... adding some for canned food also helps put on weight. Is your dog not eating what you are feeding him or her? What kind of food is your pup on?

    • wow seriously chocolate to a dog? do u live in a cave??if your dog is underweight then maybe he is sick, or has worms. you need to get it checked by a vet. if your dog is underwiehgt then just feed it more food. and dont try to "bulk it up" because u want it to look bigger or tougher thats not good for the dog, feed it dog food, or plain chicken if its not eating and take it to the vet

    • My question is why is the dog underweight in the first place. Havent you been feeding him?? Sounds like you need to go to the vet, because you are either not doing something right, or the dog is sick...You do realize that miss treatment of a dog or any animal in some states is illegal and you could go to jail, or be fined..

    • First don't give the dog chocolate - it's toxic to them and they should not be given it. Peanut butter is ok as a treat but not to help add weight. You need to feed him more if he's underweight. Have to seen the vet about his weight? He may not be underweight for his breed and age. check with him before you decided he needs to gain weight. You didn't mention if he was a puppy or an adult dog so this is also a consideration. Puppies need more food as they grow so if you are feeding him twice a day, increase it to three times (if he eats it). If he's an adult and you are feeding him once a day increase the amount by a cup. Be sure to check with the vet before you do anything though.

    • Feed chocolate to your dog and being under-weight is going to be the least of your problems. I do have to ask - what caused the dog to be under weight? And has whatever the reason been remedied? Regardless - best recipie I've found to puit weight back on a dog: Satin Balls. 10 pounds hamburger meat 1 lg. box of Total cereal 1 lg. box oatmeal 1 jar of wheat germ 1 1/4 cup veg oil 1 1/4 cup of unsulfured molasses 10 raw eggs AND shells 10 envelopes of unflavored gelatinMix all ingredients together - freeze and thaw as needed. Feed raw.

    • Go to a pet store and get some good, natural dog food like Eagle Pack (there are others too)...most dogs love it and it's healthy for them :) Check the ingredients and you can tell which ones sound good and which ones don't :) Hope I helped.

    • human chocolate is dangerous for dogs, as you may have read in a few, but you can get chocolate dog treats it is basicaly the same as ours but with the toxins that can harm dogs removed, try that, feed in small quantities but more often through the day and make sure he has water, if pos and if he likes it, try mix some tuna into his meal once in a while this is also good for joints and his coat, oh one more thing, its not the caffeine in the chocolate, it is the theobromine, and it takes about 100-150 mg/kg to cause a toxic reaction, althogh it do`s depend on dog size, health, and reaction

    • DO NOT.Chocolate is toxic for dogs. This is NO WAY to get a dog to put on weight!! First thing you need to do is establish the cause of the underweight i.e. go to a vet to find out what's wrong. If he's just malnourished, good quality dog food in appropriate amounts will cause him to put on the right amount of weight at the right rate. You do not want him to pile on the pounds; very unhealthy!This really is a worryingly absurd suggestion - are you a child, or are you just having a laugh? If neither, you need to visit a vet anyway for advice on proper dog care.Chalice