What should I do if my dog ate a dead bird?

my dog ate a bird this morning and i don't know what this means or what i should do. Does he need to go to the vet? How much food does the bird equate to (He has 3 cups a day)? How do i prevent this from happening (him eating dead animals)? My dog is a…

    What should I do if my dog ate a dead bird?

    my dog ate a bird this morning and i don't know what this means or what i should do. Does he need to go to the vet? How much food does the bird equate to (He has 3 cups a day)? How do i prevent this from happening (him eating dead animals)? My dog is a…...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I do if my dog ate a dead bird?...

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    • What should I do if my dog ate a dead bird?

      What should I do if my dog ate a dead bird? General Dog Discussions
      my dog ate a bird this morning and i don't know what this means or what i should do. Does he need to go to the vet? How much food does the bird equate to (He has 3 cups a day)? How do i prevent this from happening (him eating dead animals)? My dog is a golden retriever. Yesterday he brought the bird to me, and i told him to leave it alone, but today he went back and ate it.the dead bird was in my neighbor's yard, and the dog went into the neighbor's yard both times to get the bird.

      What should I do if my dog ate a dead bird?

      What should I do if my dog ate a dead bird? General Dog Discussions
    • First Golden's are bird dogs so he was retrieving it and showing it to you. At that time you should have disposed of the bird. He will be fine and feed him his usual food.Prevention is keep you yard free of dead birds! If you dont want him to eat them pick them up and throw them out.

    • It's probably going to be just fine. Watch it and see if it shows any signs of throwing up, etc. In the meantime call your vet and ask if they think you should bring you dog in. Who knows how much food the dead bird equates too--you should feed your dog like you normally do. In order to keep your dog from eating birds out of your backyard--remove them if you see dead ones.

    • Won't hurt a thing, in the wild it would be part of it's natural diet.I would suggest a little training tho' if you want to use your dog for retrieving. Judges give out some really lousy scores at a field trial when a dog eats the bird ;)

    • It is always sensible to prevent pets eating wild bird or other animal carcases given that there is the possibility that the death could have been caused by poisoning or from a severe bacterial infection or the carcase could have been deliberately poisoned for use as a bait.If your dog finds dead birds you should either dispose of it, or in the case of certain diseases that are killing different birds in N.America, contact your Health Office.

    • Even though it's disgusting to us, it's actually quite natural for a dog to eat carrion. Probably nothing bad will happen - at worst your dog might get diarrhea. The dog may have been exposed to intestinal parasites from eating the bird, but if you have your dog on preventative already or regularly take samples to the vet for examination you've already got that covered.

    • im pretty sure it will be fine. my dog likes to hunt all the time. but nothing ever happens. but if your dog gets sick just tell your vetenarian.frompippathecatt