My dog is two almost three and still goes to the bathroom in the house. How do i break him of this?

He was abused and starved as a baby and I believe he has some brain cell loss because he is defiantly slower then most dogs. I'm pretty sure he has separation anxiety and when he poops he steps in it. I need him to stop peeing and pooping in the house…

    My dog is two almost three and still goes to the bathroom in the house. How do i break him of this?

    He was abused and starved as a baby and I believe he has some brain cell loss because he is defiantly slower then most dogs. I'm pretty sure he has separation anxiety and when he poops he steps in it. I need him to stop peeing and pooping in the house…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is two almost three and still goes to the bathroom in the house. How do i break him of this?...

    • My dog is two almost three and still goes to the bathroom in the house. How do i break him of this?

      My dog is two almost three and still goes to the bathroom in the house. How do i break him of this? General Dog Discussions
      He was abused and starved as a baby and I believe he has some brain cell loss because he is defiantly slower then most dogs. I'm pretty sure he has separation anxiety and when he poops he steps in it. I need him to stop peeing and pooping in the house when I'm not home! Someone help!!

      My dog is two almost three and still goes to the bathroom in the house. How do i break him of this?

      My dog is two almost three and still goes to the bathroom in the house. How do i break him of this? General Dog Discussions
    • Crate him when you're not there to supervise him and contact a trainer and see what they can do for you. Contact your vet, too, since they'll usually have good suggestions.I had two dogs that weren't fully housebroken until they were 7 and 10 years old respectively. They both went in the house despite our best efforts. Then we got two more dogs who were easy to housebreak and the old dogs followed their lead! Go figure!Now we have four perfectly housetrained dogs.

    • Is he a Chihuahua? They have training problems. Anyway, you will have to keep the dog in a cage or confined to one room. I use pee pee pads for my Chihuahuas and it works pretty good.