Can my dog get roundworms when on Sentinel for 3 months?If so what is the purpose of the medication?

This is my first puppy (Goldendoodle) He was born in July 2006. Took to vet and tested 3 times for worms. Put on Sentinel in Sept. 2006. Now is passing roundworms in stool. I know sentinel helps with heartworm and fleas but I thought it was to work…

    Can my dog get roundworms when on Sentinel for 3 months?If so what is the purpose of the medication?

    This is my first puppy (Goldendoodle) He was born in July 2006. Took to vet and tested 3 times for worms. Put on Sentinel in Sept. 2006. Now is passing roundworms in stool. I know sentinel helps with heartworm and fleas but I thought it was to work…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can my dog get roundworms when on Sentinel for 3 months?If so what is the purpose of the medication?...

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    • Can my dog get roundworms when on Sentinel for 3 months?If so what is the purpose of the medication?

      Can my dog get roundworms when on Sentinel for 3 months?If so what is the purpose of the medication? General Dog Discussions
      This is my first puppy (Goldendoodle) He was born in July 2006. Took to vet and tested 3 times for worms. Put on Sentinel in Sept. 2006. Now is passing roundworms in stool. I know sentinel helps with heartworm and fleas but I thought it was to work on other worms as well. Why didn't it prevent this roundworm outbreak?

      Can my dog get roundworms when on Sentinel for 3 months?If so what is the purpose of the medication?

      Can my dog get roundworms when on Sentinel for 3 months?If so what is the purpose of the medication? General Dog Discussions
    • Sentinel will prevent roundworms. Your puppy is most likely passing tapeworm segments. They look like small grains of white rice, but are actually segments of a larger tapeworm that break off and get passed out in the stool. Dogs get tapeworms from eating fleas. Your vet can give your puppy a quick dose of oral medication that will end the tapeworm problem. As long as you keep your puppy free of fleas, he won't get more tapeworms.