How do you treat Giardia with panacur?

What is the proper way to treat a dog that has giardia with panacur?

    How do you treat Giardia with panacur?

    What is the proper way to treat a dog that has giardia with panacur?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you treat Giardia with panacur?...

    • How do you treat Giardia with panacur?

      How do you treat Giardia with panacur? General Dog Discussions
      What is the proper way to treat a dog that has giardia with panacur?

      How do you treat Giardia with panacur?

      How do you treat Giardia with panacur? General Dog Discussions
    • It's done with a three day consecutive dose.Add on -- here's a handy chart I found online that suggests the different treatments. at this.

    • Anything but generic flagyl (metronidazole) This killed one of my shelties. He had been diagnosed with Giardia (which the autopsy showed he did NOT have) and had a bad neurological reaction to this drug which ultimately ended his life.Read the article Lorraine posted and pick anything other than metronidazole, but make sure the giardia diagnosis is correct before using any of them

    • I agree with not using the metronidazole unless absolutely necessary...I have seen several reactions to it (including anaphylaxis). How do you know that the dog has giardia, and not worms or coccidia? I wouldn't treat anything until you have the vet do a fecal analysis. Dosing is based on the weight of the dog and runs from 3 days to as long as 10 days. Again, this is why it's important to see the vet. Sometimes, a dog is treated twice, starting a second course 10-14 days after the first finishes. Not to sound like a broken record, but this is where the vet's job comes in.And yes, as previously mentioned, giardia CAN be treated with Metronidazole (brand name: Flagyl). Flagyl is a rather generic anti-parasitical drug, and can be effective, but can also be dangerous for some dogs. I would use it as a last resort, not a first choice, personally. Panacur is quite effective for giardia.